Chair NASUVINSA Territory and Housing

Research and develop innovations in public housing, sustainable urban planning and land use planning, integrating principles of urban sustainability.
The Chair NASUVINSA Territorio y Vivienda has been created through a agreement between the department of Territorial Planning, Housing, Landscape and Strategic Projects of the Government of Navarra (through Nasuvinsa) and the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra.
Nasuvinsa, the main funder, will provide €40,000 per year for four years for the development of the activities of this Chair, which responds to the contemporary challenges of residential and community space.
Director from department of Theory, Projects and Urbanism of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra.

Lines of research
New types of collective housing.
Advances in urban and territorial planning, and regeneration of residential heritage, in line with the Spanish Urban diary .
Application of digitalization, industrialization and new technologies in housing rehabilitation and construction.

Courses, seminars and training activities will be given, in addition to organizing conferences and scientific meetings. We will also collaborate in publications on housing and sustainability.