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Actividades y eventos

Activities and events

The services provided by the University Chaplaincy are available to all of us who are part of the University of Navarra.

In addition to facilitating the sacramental and prayer life for those who wish to cultivate their Christian life, the University Chaplaincy supports initiatives related to other noble human interests.

To this end, we try to facilitate spaces for meeting, dialogue and prayer. It also collaborates in projects of financial aid for the most needy.

Aplicaciones anidadas

banner_Apertura de curso: Misa del Espíritu Santo

Opening of the course: Mass of the Holy Spirit

The opening ceremony of the academic year is linked to the petition of financial aid to God for the academic year that is beginning; that is why it begins with a Mass of the Holy Spirit. This tradition is maintained at the University of Navarra, and you are all invited to attend. It takes place before the Academic Act of the opening of the academic year.

banner- Miércoles de ceniza

Ash Wednesday

Lent is a time of conversion. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Palm Sunday, with which Holy Week begins. It is called "Ash Wednesday" because on that day a small rite is celebrated, which consists of the priest placing a little ash on the forehead or head of Christians, to remind them of the need for inner conversion. Those interested in having ashes imposed on them can do so at any regular mass on campus.

banner-Celebración de Santa María Madre del Amor Hermoso

Celebration of St. Mary Mother of Fair Love

Every year, on the Saturday before the first Sunday in May, Mother's Day, we celebrate the Mass of Saint Mary, Mother of Fair Love, the invocation of the Virgin that we venerate in the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love of the Campus in Pamplona [link to the website of the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love] , in thanksgiving for her protection and maternal financial aid .

banner-Visita del Ángel de Aralar

visit of the Angel of Aralar

Every year, during the week after Easter, the effigy of the archangel makes a tour of different towns, institutions and parishes in Navarre. At this time of year, instead of receiving the faithful in his sanctuary, which is located in the Aralar mountain range, it is Saint Michael who goes out to visit them. At the University visit the oratory of Amigos Building. It is a tradition, when kissing the effigy and the relic of the Cross, to make a donation to help with the upkeep of the Sanctuary.


University Chaplaincy

We offer the possibility of participating in numerous activities in English to those professionals and students who need it: English Mass, confessions, Reflections on the Bible, Assistance to the Needy, Lending Library ... Services are also offered in other languages.

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banner-Misa por los difuntos

Mass for the deceased

Every year, on one day in November, the Eucharist is celebrated for the deceased of the University: professors, employees, students and relatives of all.

banner_Adoración de la reliquia de la Santa Cruz

Adoration of the relic of the Holy Cross

Years ago, the University received the donation of one of the fragments of the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified with the corresponding certificate , which certifies it as belonging to the relic kept in the Monastery of Santo Toribio de Liébana (Cantabria). Every year a simple ceremony is held to adore and kiss the Cross of Christ or Lignum Crucis.

banner-Misa de san Josemaría Escrivá

Mass of
saint Josemaría Escrivá

On 26 June the Church celebrates the feast of Saint Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei and the first Chancellor of the University of Navarre. It is a feast day at the University and every year a Mass is held in honour of the saint.

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banner-Curso de retiro espiritual

Spiritual retreat course

From September to March, students who wish to do so have the option of making a spiritual retreat. These are a few days of interior recollection aimed at a quiet examination of various aspects of life. Personalized spiritual guidance is available at student .

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banner-Novena de la Inmaculada

Novena of the Immaculate Conception

It is the manifestation of faith in the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Its origin in the Spanish university tradition dates back to the 16th century. At the University we will celebrate it from 30 November to 7 December with a celebration of the Eucharist. On the 8th, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the celebration will take place in Pamplona Cathedral and will be presided over by D. Francisco Pérez, Archbishop of Pamplona.

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This traditional Navarrese pilgrimage in honour of Saint Francis Xavier, one of the patron saints of the Comunidad Foral, brings together thousands of people from this land and, for some years now, pilgrims from other parts of Spain. The chaplaincy organises groups to take part in the various forms of the pilgrimage.

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banner-Oración de los jóvenes con el arzobispo

Prayer of the young people with the archbishop

On the first Friday of each month, the Archdiocese of Pamplona and Tudela invites young people to pray with the Bishop, D. Francisco Perez, in the Chapel of San Fermin (San Lorenzo Parish) at 9:00 pm. This meeting is open to all who wish to participate.

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banner-Cursos de preparación

Sacramental preparation courses

All the information so that you can enjoy the preparation courses for Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation and Marriage.

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