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Cursos de preparación al Matrimonio

Marriage Preparation Courses

Aplicaciones anidadas


Marriage Preparation Courses

Helping to understand and assume the tasks and responsibilities involved in marriage, the most frequent difficulties along the way and possible ways of dealing with them, are some of the aims of these courses organised by Chaplaincy agreement with the Delegation of Family Pastoral Care of the Diocese of Pamplona and Tudela.

The intensivemodality of the course -which accumulates all its activities in one weekend-, can make it easier to combine it with some schedules of work. At the end of the course, a certificate will be provided at the end of the course, to be handed in at transcript matrimonial.



Alejandro Pardo Fernández

coordinator of the courses

Alejandro Pardo Fernández

Central Building.
Campus University s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425 600 x 802162


Matilde Ibarrola

Central Building.
Campus University s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425 600 x 802951

+34 948 425 600 x 802237


Engaged couples who will be married within approximately one year.

It is not necessary to be a former student of the University.

Saturday and Sunday, on the following dates in 2025:

  • March 8-9

  • October 25-26

Place: classroom 30 of Central Building.

[form from registration open]

  1. work sessions with colloquium

  2. Get-togethers with a married couple.

  3. exchange of valuations between each pair




submission of the material



Session 1



Coffee Break


Session 2


Session 3




Get-together with a young couple


Session 4


Session 5




Session 6



Coffee Break



Session 7




Session 8






Session 9



Session 10


In alphabetical order:

  • Affectivity and human sexuality. The harmony between sensuality and tenderness.

  • Love, knowledge and project common: are we ready to get married?

  • speech and coexistence

  • The value and the mission statement of the family. The contributions of the Christian family

  • Loyalty from the heart

  • management of conflicts

  • The celebration of the sacrament of marriage

  • The richness of the reality of marriage in the face of another subject of unions

  • Marriage and religion in a godless world

  • Paternity manager at the service of love. The knowledge of fertility.

The speakers who usually teach the modules (they vary according to the dates of the course) are:

Pilar Arregui, Professor of History of Law (University of Navarra) and Expert in Family Guidance

Carlos Beltramo researcher of project Education de la Afectividad y la Sexualidad Humana, high school de Cultura y Sociedad (ICS), University of Navarra.

Jokin de Irala, Full Professor from Preventive Medicine and Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Navarra

Cristina López del BurgoSpecialist in Family Medicine, department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the School of Medicine, University of Navarra.

Carolina Andrea Lupo, Graduate in Psychopedagogy and Master's Degree in Bioethics, Researcher in Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality (ICS), University of Navarra.

Raquel Martín Lanas, Diagnostic and Family Therapy Unit, Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

Alejandro Pardo, Chaplain of the University of Navarra and director of the course. Doctor in Moral Theology and speech.

María del Carmen Paz, Master's Degree in Marriage and Family (University of Navarra) and Expert in Family Guidance

Manuel Valdés, Professor of Anthropology (School de Derecho). PhD in Canon Law and Expert in Matrimonial Law.