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Archaeology Club


Aplicaciones anidadas


Activity history


semester I

Thursday, September 5 - classroom 14 Amigos - 18h
"Painting and functionality in Roman domestic architecture".
Antonio Mostalac Carrillo. Royal Academy of Nobles and Fine Arts of San Luis.

Thursday, September 19 - UNED of Pamplona
"Personal, heroic and dynastic cults in Mediterranean Antiquity" (September 17-19)
Summer Course UNED of Pamplona

Thursday, October 17th
XI meeting of Roman Sculpture in Hispania (October 17-19)

Thursday, October 31 - classroom 14 Friends - 18h
"Monumental architecture and political power in Imperial Rome".
Patrizio Pensabene. University of Rome La Sapienza

Thursday, November 7 - classroom 14 Friends - 18h
Eduard Nemeth. Cluj University

semester II

Thursday, January 16 - seminar 15 Friends - 18h
"Greek elites in transition: from the Late Hellenistic period to the Early Empire".
Takashi Fujii. Kyoto University

Thursday, January 30 - seminar 15 Friends - 18h
"Three archaeological novelties in the Holy Land".
Diego Pérez-Góndar. University of Navarra

Thursday, February 20 - seminar 15 Friends - 18h
"The Roman-Italic presence in Hispania in Republican times: an approach to its nature and forms of socio-political organization".
David Espinosa Espinosa. Complutense University of Madrid

Thursday, March 13 to Saturday, March 15 - seminar 15 Friends - 18h
colloquium Roma Aeterna - II congress of Young Researchers in Antiquity

Thursday, March 20 - seminar 15 Friends - 18h
"The urban water cycle in Hispania: doubts and certainties".
Jesús Acero Pérez. University of Seville

Thursday, April 3 - seminar 15 Friends - 18h
"Le ville romane tra otium e produzione economica".
Annalisa Marzano. University of Bologna

Sunday June 8 to Thursday June 12
Summer School in Egyptology
Egizio Museum of Turin

Thursday, September 7 (17.30h, classroom 36 Central Building)
"Maritime archaeology, the study of shipwreck processes".
Vera Moya Sordo.
Researcher at the Nautical Archaeology Society.

Thursday, September 14 (17.30h, classroom 36 Central Building)
"Ancient Vascones: from historiography to the collective imagination".
Antonio Duplá Ansuategui (September 14)
Full Professor of Ancient History of the University of the Basque Country
Jonatan Pérez-Mostazo
researcher from the University of the Basque Country
Javier Andreu Pintado
Full Professor of Ancient History at the University of Navarra
Javier Larequi Fontaneda
researcher of the University of Navarra
University of Navarra

Friday, September 22 and Saturday, September 23 (From 5 to 8.30 pm (Friday) and from 10 to 7 pm (Saturday), Centro Cultural Avenida, Cascante).
(It can be followed online live or in differed: necessary registration through the tab "enrollment online" of the link)
XIX Roman Week of Cascante
"Roma Aeterna: Rome, past and projection, the bequest of an eternal culture". 

Tuesday 26, Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 September (From 17 to 20.30h, Centro Asociado de la UNED en Pamplona)
(It can be followed online live or recorded: registration is required through the tab "enrollment online" of link)
Summer Course UNED of Pamplona
"Cum pax parta esset: peace, pacifism and diplomacy in the ancient world". 

Thursday, October 26 (5.30 pm, classroom 36 Central Building)
"Lesbia and Lucretia, the limits of the female stereotype in Rome".
Charo Guarino Ortega
Professor of Philology Latin at the University of Murcia

Thursday, November 2 (17.30h, classroom 36 Central Building)
"The organization of the construction process in Roman and late Roman times: clients, workshops, fashions and social relations".
Javier Domingo Magaña
Professor of Archaeology at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce in Rome

Thursday, November 9 (17.30h, classroom 36 Central Building)
"Villas, mausoleums and churches during late antiquity: reflections from some new findings".
Alexandra Chavarría Arnau
Professor of Archaeology at the Universitá di Studi di Padova

Thursday, September 15 (classroom 36, Central Building, 18h)
"In Rure - Experiências e métodos de trabalho sobre o povoamento rural romano".
André Carneiro
Senior Associate Professor of Archaeology of the University of Évora

Wednesday, September 21 (classroom 30, Central Building, 12h)
"degree scroll to be determined"
Greg Woolf
Ronald J. Mellor Distinguished Professor of Ancient History at the University of California Los Angeles UCLA

Friday, October 14 (classroom 30, Central Building, 12h).
"The value of classical heritage in the modern world".
David Hernández from the source
Full Professor of Philology GREEK of the Complutense University of Madrid

Thursday, October 27 (classroom 36, Central Building, 18h).
"Image staff and degree program professional: Indianas without future?"
Javier Andreu Pintado
Full Professor of Ancient History of the University of Navarra

Director from Diploma of Archaeology of the University of Navarra

Thursday, November 10 (classroom 36, Central Building, 18h)
"Approach to digital Humanities and its relationship with Archaeology".
Juan José Pons Izquierdo
Full Professor of Geography of the University of Navarra

Thursday, January 19 (classroom 36 Central, 6 p.m.)
"Emblems of power and divinity in the Egyptian female royalty of Amarna".
Belén del Barrio Madruga
National University of Education a Distancia

Thursday, January 26 (Palacio del Condestable, 6 p.m.)
"presentation of the book ANDREU, J., and LAREQUI, J. (eds.), Inter medium Vascones pertransibunt aquae: Vascones y termalismo en la Antigüedad hispana (Madrid, 2021) "
María J. Peréx Agorreta
National University of Education a Distancia

Thursday, February 9 (classroom 36 del Central, 6 p.m.)
"The knowledge of Tartessus through the settlement in the middle valley of the Guadiana".
Esther Rodríguez González
high school of Archaeology of Mérida - committee Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Thursday, February 16 (classroom 36 of the Central, 6 p.m.)
An exceptional finding in Betica: the treasure of Tomares".
Enrique García Vargas
University of Seville

Thursday, April 20 (classroom 36 del Central, 6 p.m.)
"The origins of Classical Archaeology in Spain: 15th and 16th centuries".
Paloma Martín-Esperanza Montilla
Autonomous University of Madrid

seminar Closing
Thursday, April 28, 2022

"seminar: "Dying in Roman Hispania".
Desiderio Vaquerizo Gil
University of Cordoba

Ana Ruiz Osuna
University of Cordoba

Paloma Lorente Sebastián
University of Navarra


Thursday 3 March

"Emporion, Emporiae, Empùries: diachrony of their port areas and landscape evolution".
Quim Tremoleda i Trilla, Pere Castanyer i Masoliver and Marta Santos Retolaza
Empùries - Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya (Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia)

Thursday 20 January

"Hispanic mercenarism (5th-3rd century BC): a history of Tryphé, Ploutos and Hybris".
Raimon Graells i Fabregat
University of Alicante

Thursday 13 January

"Archaeology in Vareia (La Custodia, Viana), the Beronian city destroyed by Sertorius".
Javier Armendáriz Martija
Public University of Navarra

seminar Closing Ceremony
Thursday, November 11

"Women of the elite in Hispano-Roman cities".
Milagros Navarro Caballero
Professor of Archaeology at the Université de Bourdeaux (France)

Thursday 4 November

"Roman bronzes and everyday life: metallic tableware and fibulae".
Romana Erice Lacabe
Archaeologist Head of the Culture Service of Zaragoza City Council

Thursday 21 October

"New theoretical perspectives in the study of Roman mosaic: the uillae of Baetica".
Rubén Montoya González
researcher of the University of Leicester

Thursday 14 October

"Archaeozoology: present and future".
Sonsoles Montero Ponseti

Thursday 7 October

"Risci a sentire le pietre che parlano? Problems and solutions to "help" the epigraphs to speak even more".
Valentina Uglietti
Collaborator Museo Civico di Reggio Emilia/University of Bologna (Italy)

Friday 1 October

"From Homos to Sapiens
Javier Novo Villaverde
Full Professor of Biochemistry and Genetics of the University of Navarra

Wednesday 15, Thursday 16 and Friday 17 September

Summer Course "Public works and urban monumentalisation in the Roman period in the Basque Country" organised by the UNED of Pamplona (required registration:
Uned of Pamplona (classroom and online)

Thursday 9 September

"La management del patrimonio cultural desde la Arqueología".
Ana B. Martínez García
Archaeologist at business Patrimonio Inteligente

seminar Inaugural
Thursday, September 2nd

"Classical Archaeology and interdisciplinary research : recovering the garum of Baelo Claudia".
Darío Bernal Casasola
Full Professor of Archaeology of the University of Cadiz

Saturday, 24 April

internship of epigraphic autopsies in the Museu de la Necrópolis Paleocristiana de Tarragona, in Tarragona.

Thursday, 22 April

Introduction to medieval ceramics
Jaime Aznar Auzmendi

Thursday, 15 April

El development de proyectos patrimoniales a partir de la recuperación y puesta en valor de los yacimientos arqueológicos de la antigua ciuitas de Consabura (Consuegra, Toledo). project educational and heritage.
Juan Francisco Palencia García

Friday, 26 March

workshop "Archaeology and Humanities Digital" with the participation of representatives of the major projects on the subject right now in Spain.

Thursday, 25 March

Ceramics in Archaeology, from excavation to publication
Alejandro Quevedo Sánchez
University of Murcia

Thursday, 18 March

Defixions and magical practices in ancient Rome
Celia Sánchez Natalías
University of Zaragoza

Friday 5 to Sunday 7 March

I Campus of Archaeology at partnership with the Castiliscar Town Council (Zaragoza) with practical archaeological surface prospecting (Tanda B).

Wednesday 24 February

meeting with Irene Vallejo, award National essay 2020 for the book El infinito en un junco: la invención de los libros en el mundo antiguo (The infinite in a reed: the invention of books in the ancient world)

Friday 5 to Sunday 7 February

I Campus of Archaeology at partnership with the Castiliscar Town Council (Zaragoza) with practical archaeological surface prospecting (Tanda A).

Thursday, 21 January

Introduction to Ancient Numismatics and Roman coin cataloguing
Gianluca Mandatori
Societas Scientiarum Fennica

Monday 9 to Friday 13 November

seminar Theoretical-practical course on Roman mural painting based on the repertoire of Santa Criz de Eslava
Lara Iñiguez Berrozpe
University of Zaragoza

Friday, 30 October

Marmor in Hispania: exploitation, use and commercialisation
María J. Pérex Agorreta
National University of Education a Distancia

Monday, 19 October

The oldest known complete wine cellar and its projection in the Cultural, Archaeological and Recreational Park of the Sierra de San Cristóbal, El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)
Diego Ruiz Mata
University of Cádiz

Monday, 5 October

Underwater archaeology and the study of woods
Óscar Riezu Elizalde
University of Navarra

Saturday, 3 October

I workshop Romana de Cara (Santacara, Navarre)
Santacara Town Council

Friday, 2 October

Archaeological Drawing Workshop
Iñaki Dieguez Uribeondo
IDU Ilustración SL/ADARQ association of Archaeological Drawers

Monday, 28 September

seminar "Professional wizards and sorceresses or inexperienced practitioners? Exploring the sociology of magical operants in the classical world".
Paula Arbeloa Borbón
University of Zaragoza

Thursday 7 November

seminar "Tartessus: from emporium to empire. Vicissitudes of a historical and archaeological myth".
Eduardo Ferrer Albelda
University of Seville

Thursday 31 October

visit guided tour to the exhibition "Life imprinted on bones. Palaeopathology in Navarre".
Patxuka de Miguel Ibáñez
University of Alicante

seminar "Archaeotanatology: methodology for the complete analysis of a burial".
Paloma Lorente Sebastian
University of Paris 1-Sorbonne
Pietragalla Project

Thursday 24 October

Introduction to the coinage of the Hellenistic kingdoms
César J. Soutullo Molina
University of Navarra

Thursday 24 October

Introduction to programs of study on the reception of Classical Antiquity
Paloma Martín-Esperanza Montilla
Autonomous University of Madrid

Thursday 10 and 17 October

Geographic Information Systems applied to Archaeology: introduction
Leticia Tobalina Pulido
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour/University of Navarre

Thursday 5 October

Aquae et thermae: introduction to peninsular thermalism
María J. Peréx Agorreta
National University of Education a Distancia

25 to 27 September

colloquium scientist: 

Parva oppida: image, patterns and ideology of the monumental take-off of the cities of Hispanic Tarraconensis (1st century BC-1st century AD).

21 September

visit guided tour of the Roman city of Santa Criz de Eslava and the archaeological site exhibition "Santa Criz de Eslava, reflexes of Rome in Basque territory".
Javier Andreu Pintado
University of Navarra

18 to 20 September

Summer course (organised by the UNED in Pamplona):

Strategies, history and archaeology of warfare in the great empires of the ancient world

16 September

exhibition Voces populi: language and everyday life in the Roman West
project European Latin Now

29 March

Investigaçao arqueológica e valorizaçao patrimonial. os exemplos de Aeminium (Coimbra), Igaedis (Idanha-a-Velha), Bobadela (Oliveira do Hospital) e o distrito mineiro de Três Minas (Vila Pouca de Aguiar)
Pedro C. Carvalho
University of Coimbra

14 March

Beyond per diem expenses: methods and techniques in Zooarchaeology
Marta Pérez Polo
University of Navarra

7 March

The Past is our Future: Technology Applied to Cultural Heritage
Néstor F. Marqués
Ancient Rome up to date

28 February

Streets and roads in the Roman city: an introduction to their study
Nùria Romaní conference room
Autonomous University of Barcelona

15 February

The classical world as a setting for literary creation
Santiago Posteguillo
Writer award Planeta 2018

25 January

The Roman necropolis of Segobriga: architectural forms, rituals and epigraphic monuments
Rosario Cebrián Fernández
Complutense University of Madrid

10 January

Archaeology in 2019 How we have changed!
Manuel Martín Bueno
University of Zaragoza

8 November

The research of the archaeological site of La Custodia (Viana, Navarre), a Celtiberian city destroyed by Sertorius
Javier Armendáriz Martija
University of Navarra

5 November

The power of rhetoric in the Roman Republic: the case of Cicero's De oratore
Edward Bispham
University of Oxford

25 October

Archaeology in Museums: approaches and blurring of focus
Susana Irigaray Soto
Government of Navarre

11 October

Bibliographic resources for research in Classical Antiquity
Javier Andreu Pintado
University of Navarra

4 October

Possibilities of the material record in Archaeology: from the field to the generation of knowledge
Marta Pérez Polo
University of Navarra

2 October

Roman Urbanism: from Cato to Constantine - the problems of change
Nicholas Purcell
University of Oxford

27 September

The archaeologist's profession through time: from antique dealers to researchers
Inmaculada Delage González
University of Navarra

20 September

Towards an Integral Archaeology, or the social use of heritage. Past, present and future of the archaeological profession.
Desiderio Vaquerizo Gil
University of Cordoba

2 March

When the stones speak: seminar of Latin Epigraphy
Javier Andreu Pintado
University of Navarra

23 February

Archaeological drawing workshop: ceramics
Inmaculada Delage González

16 February

internship and possibilities of underwater archaeology
Nerea Soto Úriz
Master's Degree in Underwater Archaeology

February 10

seminar in the field, in the Roman city of Los Bañales, on the process of an archaeological excavation with attendance to the presentation of the APP "Los Bañales".

19 January

seminar Possibilities of ceramics in Archaeology: Roman pottery
Inmaculada Delage González
Archaeologist and Researcher of the University of Navarra

17 November 2017

seminar More than just pyramids: pottery in ancient Egypt
Lucía Cabiedas Perea

Master's Degree in Archaeology and Heritage

9 to 11 November 2017

colloquium scientific: Signs of weakness and crisis in the cities of the Western Roman Empire (1st-3rd centuries AD)

20 October 2017

Café tertulia with Mª Ángeles Mezquíriz Irujo
Honorary Director of the Museum of Navarre

13 October

Zooarchaeology and fauna analysis workshop
Marta Pérez Polo
Archaeologist and Researcher at the University of Navarre

6 October

Guided tour of the Royal Arms and Ammunition Factory of Eugui
Francisco Labé Valenzuela
Archaeologist director of the excavation project

29 September

Recording methods in archaeology: the Harris method
Marta Pérez Polo
Archaeologist, University of Navarra

March 3 

The work of cabinet in Archaeology: visit to the Cabinet TRAMA
D. Nicolás Zuazúa and D. Carlos Zuza
Archaeologists of Gabinete TRAMA S. L.

9 to 12 February

VI Workshop on Archaeology of Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza)
seminar on management of archaeological heritage(Mr. Jaime Vicente Redón, Director of the Museum of Teruel), Roman ceramics(Ms. Pilar Saez Preciado, International University of La Rioja), archaeozoology(Ms. Marta Pérez Polo, National University of Education a Distancia), research with written sources(Ms. Patricia Terrado, Rovira i Virgili University) and Hispano-Roman domestic architecture (Ms. Tamara Peñalver, University of Rovira i Virgili).Patricia Terrado, Universitat Rovira i Virgili) and Hispano-Roman domestic architecture(Ms. Tamara Peñalver Carrascosa, Universitat de València) in the locality of Uncastillo in the framework of the educational activity of the research Plan of the Uncastillo Foundation in Los Bañales.

7 and 15 November 

Texts for the History of the Ancient Near East
D. Francisco Varo Pineda
Professor of Sacred Scripture at Schools Eclesiasticas

October 1

visit guided tour of the Museum of Navarre (Prehistory and Romanisation Halls)
Javier Armendáriz Martija
Javier Andreu Pintado

Professors of Prehistory and Ancient History at the University of Navarre

9 April

workshop of Archaeology
Nobilitas vasorum Hispanorum: the productions of terra sigillata Hispanica in Hispania during the Principality and its projection abroad

Carlos Saenz Preciados
Professor of Archaeology at the University of Saragossa
Isabel Fernández García
Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Granada
François Réchin
Professor of Archaeology at the Université de Pau (France)
Mª Ángeles Mezquíriz Irujo
Honorary Director of the Museum of Navarre

8 March

What if I go into archaeology? Archaeology as a professional and career opportunity research
Inmaculada Delage González
PIF of department of History, History of Art and Geography

23rd February

The crypt of the convent of the Trinitarias Descalzas in Madrid: from the tomb of Cervantes to the burials of children in the 19th century
Mª Paz de Miguel Ibáñez
Osteoarchaeologist at the University of Alicante

16 February

seminar on basic principles of Archaeometallurgy
Óscar Bonilla Santander
scholarship recipient FPI of the department of Antiquity Sciences of the University of Zaragoza.

26 January 

Workshop on forensic archaeology and human osteology
Leyre Arróniz Pamplona
Master's Degree in Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology

16 November

seminarComing out of the darkness: the Bronze Age in Navarre",
Dr. Jesús Sesma Sesma
Historical Heritage Service of the Government of Navarra.

2nd November

The Roman production of terra sigillata: technical aspects
Begoña Serrano Arnáez
Researcher at the University of Granada

26 October

seminar "50,000 years of Prehistory in Navarre: the cave of Abauntz".
Rafael Domingo Martínez
researcher Ramón y Cajal of the University of Saragossa

5 October

Inauguration of the bibliographic and archaeological exhibition "Los Bañales, el redescubrimiento de una ciudad romana", Library Services of the University
Javier Andreu Pintado
Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Navarre

28 September

A journey through the Prehistory of Navarre through material culture (visit to the warehouses of the Archaeology Section of the Government of Navarre)
Chus García Gazólaz
Jesús Sesma Sesma

Historical Heritage Service of the Government of Navarre

14 September

Experimental workshop on prehistoric lithic technology
Chus García Gazólaz
Historical Heritage Service of the Government of Navarre

5 July

workshop of Archaeology
Victoria Augusti: an approach to the image of imperial power in Rome
José Antonio Garriguet Mata
Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cordoba
Mª Mar Gabaldón Martínez
Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of San Pablo CEU
Javier Andreu Pintado
Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Navarre

28 March

workshop of Archaeology
In radice Pyrenaei: Romanisation in the Pyrenees
François Réchin
Professor of Archaeology at the University of Pau (France)
Oriol Olesti Vila
Professor of Ancient History at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Javier Andreu Pintado
Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Navarra (Spain)

2nd March

Coffee-talk with archaeological material
Carmen Usúa
Restorer of Archaeological Objects, Art&Us Restauración

8 February

Coffee-talk "Rome's Monte Testaccio: from an amphora dump to the largest economic centre of the Roman Empire file ".
Pablo Ozcáriz Gil
Professor of Ancient History at the Rey Juan Carlos University

10 January

visit guided tour of the Archaeology Section of the Museum of Navarre
Javier Andreu Pintado
Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Navarre

17 November

Coffee-talk "Imagining the ancient world: between Archaeology and Art".
Iñaki Dieguez Uribeondo
Archaeologist and Illustrator at IDU Dibujo Arqueológico

3rd November

Coffee-talk "Unearthing Roman Pamplona".
María García-Barberena Unzu
Archaeologist at Gabinete TRAMA S. L.



Javier Andreu Pintado


Javier Andreu Pintado

Ismael Sánchez Bella Building
Office 2080
department of History

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 | Ext: 802916