What we are looking for in our students?

This Degree is for:
The Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering is oriented to students coming from the scientific and technologicalhigh school diploma .
You must have numerical and abstraction skills, with a taste for technologies and theoretical-practical study and with skills for teamworkwork .
Students should have a sufficient level of English (it is recommended to be able to study subjects in English).
requirements access to the system as a general rule:

The process of Admissions Office is simple: candidates have to take an exam that will be in person or online if they live in Spain or in another European country, or online if they live outside Europe. This test accounts for 40% of our Admissions Office criteria; the remaining 60% are the grades of high school program (or equivalent).
Our Degrees have official recognition and, therefore, prospective students must be admitted to the Spanish university system through the university entrance exam or the corresponding accreditation .
The School of Engineering has a common Promotion Service for all its academic offer, with specialised staff. The Promotion Service provides information and carries out the procedures and reception of candidates until their admission to the centre or their orientation towards other possibilities in the event of not being admitted. Candidates are attended to by e-mail, telephone or directly, as requested.
If you are studying in a country outside the European Union, in addition to the above tests, we will also do a evaluation of professional competencies.
For students with special needs, the University offers a Disability Care Unit (UADP).
How is our process of Admissions Office?

Apply for admission in the Portal miUNAV.
Tecnun has two admission deadlinesThe first one in December, for those who in 1st year of high school diploma have a grade average equal to or higher than 7. And the second deadline in March for the rest of the candidates.
The admission is granted according to a ranking elaborated from the grade average which is made by counting 60% the grade of 1st year of high school diploma and 40% of result of the admission tests*.
*In some cases, notes from the 2nd year may be requested. high school diploma or an interview is conducted staff with candidate.
Students taking IB (high school diploma International) will not have to take the admission tests if their IB grade is >34 (Physics +5 and Mathematics +5), but they will have an interview staff*.
*If they do not reach the required grades, they will take the admission tests.
The resolution final on the result obtained in the test will be communicated throughthe portal miUNAV . The Admissions Commission is formed by the Deputy Director/a of Students of the School and the Director/a of development and is responsible for resolving the applications for admission. See dates.
Once you have been admitted, you will be able to proceed to make the payment of your enrollment. Learn about the payment methods of the University of Navarra.
Contact with us
Mikel Arcelus
Director of the promotion and orientation service of Degrees and masters
Irene de Vicente
Promotion and Orientation Service of Degrees
The test of admission

Admission tests are held at Tecnun for Spanish students (students who study in Spain or in another country). high school diploma in Spain or in another country).
The tests are subject test: a short statement followed by 4 answer options.
The required operations are performed on a separate sheet and are not attached with the answers.
They consist of 2 parts: physics and mathematics:
30 questions (IMPORTANT: The use of a calculator is not allowed)
Examination level: Mathematics of 4thESO, 1st high school program.
Basic operations: simplifications, basic calculation with logarithms, exponentials...etc.
Analytic geometry in the plane.
Operations with polynomials: division, decomposition...etc.
Test examples
15 questions (IMPORTANT: The use of a calculator is not allowed)
Examination level: Physics 4thESO , 1º high school program
Kinematics, linear and circular motion.
Dynamics: conservation of linear and circular motion.
Dynamics: conservation of mechanical energy.
Dynamics: inclined planes and pulleys.
Test examples