Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas



Aplicaciones anidadas


Letters that make numbers: the business publishing house

Daniel Franco With Daniel Francograduate in Literature and Creative Writing 

Aplicaciones anidadas


Daniel Franco


In the field of literature, numbers are also very important. And if not, just ask Daniel Franco. graduate in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Navarra, shortly before finishing his programs of study he founded publishing house Graviola with two colleagues.

With him we are going to do the math so that he can explain how to make a project of these characteristics viable, what criteria an independent publishing house like his follows to bet on a work without implying economic losses, or what role publisher plays in the writer's life.

Learnings from episode 7:

- Getting started in a project publishing house
- The work of the publisher
- The process publishing house
- The business aspect of publishing
- Relationship between publisher and writer
- The profitability of a project publishing house

 Listen to it on Spotify
