What we are looking for in our students?

This Degree is for:
People who are attracted to the cultural field
If you like to delve into literary creation and the study of language and languages as a means of expression and communication.
You have reading comprehension and oral and written expression skills.
You are interested in linguistic manifestations and cultural facts.
Students who want to develop a critical and logical reasoning capacity, concept relation, synthesis and analysis.
You are creative and would like to train in a Degree where you can develop your expression and imagination.
requirements access to the system as a general rule:

English: Students must have a B1 level of English when registering at enrollment for all those students who wish to study at subject on this website language.
English levels will be recognised through the admission tests or official certificates of the Official Language Schools, Cambridge, TOEFL and the tests organised for this purpose by the University's institute of modern languages .
Spanish: Level B2.
Students whose training or language mother tongue is not Spanish, will have to accredit level B2 at the time of formalising the enrollment.
language Certification of the level of Spanish for international students whose mother tongue is not language or who have not received their pre-university education in Spanish may be obtained through the test admission test or DELE B2 (Instituto Cervantes). Students who so wish may also obtain certification of this level through the tests organised for this purpose by the Institute of language and Spanish Culture (ILCE) of the University of Navarra.
How is our process of Admissions Office?

Apply for admission in the Portal miUNAV.
Find out the dates and deadlines dates and deadlines.
Take the admission tests.
We will make a weighted average of your grade of 1st year of high school diploma (60%) and our admission test (40%). The committee Admission School will resolve your application.
We will inform you in the Portal myUNAV of the status of your application admission.
Once you have been admitted you can proceed to pay your enrollment. Find out about the UNAV payment methods.
Any questions? Contact us at contact and we will be happy to help you.
Isabelle Murray
Head of Admissions for Degree
Contents of the Admission Test

The Admissions Office exam at Degree in language and Spanish Literature consists of:
Test on general knowledge*.
* Concepts of high school diplomaHistory, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, language and Literature and current affairs.
test of English
Personal interview
National Students
For the purposes of Admissions Office in the Degree in language and Spanish Literature, national students are considered to be those students who are studying their programs of study of 2nd year of high school diploma (or equivalent) at an academic centre based in Spain, regardless of their nationality.
National students will sit the entrance exams in person at Campus in Pamplona on the dates set out in the admissions calendar.
International Students
For the purposes of Admissions Office at Degree in language and Spanish Literature, international students are considered to be those candidates who are taking their 2nd year programs of study (or equivalent) at an academic centre based outside Spain, regardless of their nationality. high school diploma (or equivalent) at an academic centre outside Spain, regardless of their nationality.
International students can choose whether to take the admission tests in a face-to-face or online format.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Candidates taking the International Baccalaureate (IB) can choose between apply for the Admissions Office a language and Spanish Literature as a national or international student (as appropriate) or through the final grade obtained in the Diploma IB.
If they decide to apply via Diploma IB, they must prove the following requirements:
- A predictive score of at least 30 points.
The process will be completed with a personal interview.
If the resolution is positive, it will be conditional on the candidate definitively accrediting through its definitive qualifications the requirements IB score. This process must be completed before 11 July 2022.