What do we look for in our students?
The Degree in Teaching of Education Infantile is oriented to students who wish to develop intellectual, instrumental and personal competences, in order to perform with quality the profession of Educator.
Interest in people, their education, their training, their development and learning focused both on the content curriculum and on their habits, skills and values.
Empathy, a vocation for education and a capacity for work, as well as a good ability to communicate, motivate curiosity and organise collaborative projects in an environment educational.
Admission criteria:

Candidates have to take an exam which will be either face-to-face if they live in Spain or another European country or online if they live outside Europe. This test accounts for 40% of our admission criteria; the remaining 60% are the grades of high school program (or equivalent).
Our Degrees have official recognition and, therefore, prospective students must be admitted to the Spanish university system through the University Access test (PAU) or the corresponding accreditation .
If you are studying in a country outside the European Union, in addition to the above tests, we will also do a evaluation of professional competencies.
For students with special needs, the University offers a Disability Care Unit (UADP).
How is our admission process?
Apply for admission in the Portal miUNAV.
Find out the dates and deadlines dates and deadlines.
Take the admission tests.
Once the test is finished, we will take the weighted average of your junior year grades (60%) and the UNAV admissions test (40%). The Admissions Committee will make their decision based on the previously mentioned average.
We will inform you in the portal myUNAV of the status of your application admission.
Once you have been admitted you can proceed to pay your enrollment. Find out about the UNAV payment methods.
There are several regular admission deadlines, in December*, February and April.
On an extraordinary basis, if there are still places available, tests will be held in June, July and August.
For national students, these tests are held at Campus of the University of Navarra in Pamplona. International students will take them online.
admission deadlines
* Exclusive tests for students with a 7 or more from average in 1st grade. high school diploma.
What are our admission tests like?
Students who are performing
2º high school diploma in Spain
- Test of English level.
- test written.
- test Aptitudinal (in this test subject test various aspects of applicant are analyzed in order to know their interests, skills, aptitudes, study habits, professional preferences, etc).
Students who are performing
2º high school diploma outside Spain
- Test of English level.
- test written.
- test Aptitudinal (in this test subject test various aspects of applicant are analyzed in order to know their interests, skills, aptitudes, study habits, professional preferences, etc).
- Test of Spanish level.
- Interview with the delegate of the Admissions Office in applicant's country.
Admission criteria
grade average of 1st high school diploma
grade from test for admission
The management committee of the School is responsible for deciding on applications for admission.
The resolution final on the result obtained in the test will be communicated through the portal MiUnav within the indicated deadlines.