No places are available for the 2024/25 academic year.
This Degree is for you if you have...
Interest in the Spanish language , in Hispanic and world literature.
work, reasoning and analytical skills of speech.
Reading comprehension and interest in linguistic manifestations and cultural facts.
In general
Students who have passed the test university entrance exam, regardless of the high school program previously taken.
People who have passed the access for over-25s and, in general, those who meet the legally established conditions.
People who have passed the admission tests held by the University of Navarra and organised by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences for its different Degrees.
Admission criteria...
The admissions process is simple: candidates have to take an exam which will be face-to-face if they live in Spain or in another European country, or online if they live outside Europe. This test accounts for 40% of our admission criteria; the remaining 60% are the grades of high school program (or equivalent).
The test admission programme consists of the following:
Two tests: one of aptitudes (logical, spatial and verbal reasoning), and one of competences |
Interview staff with a teacher from department at Philology. |
Our Degrees are officially recognised and, therefore, the prospective students must be admitted to the Spanish university system through the university entrance exam or the corresponding accreditation.
Apply for admission in the Portal miUNAV. |
Take the admission tests. |
Once the test is finished, we will take the weighted average of your junior year grades (60%) and the UNAV admissions test (40%). The Admissions Committee will make their decision based on the previously mentioned average. |
We will inform you via the miUNAV portal of the your admissions application status. |
Once you have been admitted you can proceed to pay your enrollment. Find out about the UNAV payment methods. |