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Aplicaciones anidadas


The research of department is divided into five areas:


At Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology research is conducted in pharmacognosy directed to the preclinical development of biologically active compounds, both of natural and synthetic origin. The research at pharmaceutical technology is aimed at development for new vehicles, biomaterials and controlled drug delivery systems. At pharmacokineticsThe characterization of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of drugs by means of different experimental and computational models is proposed. The research in clinical pharmacy focuses on the rational use of drugs.



At Chemistry Medical and Analytical selenated derivatives are designed and synthesized as therapy against cancer, trypanosomes and other pathologies. We work with cyclic peptides and peptide-mimetics with antitumor properties. Bioactive compounds from food waste with potential biomedical applicability are studied and analytical methods by chromatography are developed. 



At Pharmacology research focused on neuropsychopharmacology: The role of glia in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease is studied, considering molecular aspects involved in the report. The interaction between brain and immune system in major depression is studied, trying to identify epigenetic mechanisms linked to neuroplasticity and peripheral inflammation.  



At Toxicologyresearch development of methods to assess genotoxicity, the study of mycotoxins as food contaminants, and preclinical toxicity studies for drugs, medical devices and food supplements. programs of study



At Pharmaceutical Care and Humanities Pharmaceuticals research focuses on humanistic subjects that contribute to the integral development of the pharmacist and the pharmacy profession.




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