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The department of Pharmaceutical Sciences is an inter-faculty department attached to the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition.

The department is teaching in the Degrees of Pharmacy, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Medicine, Biology, Biochemistry , ChemistryNursing and Psychology. He also teaches teaching of postgraduate program in all the masters of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition, as well as in the programs of doctorate. The research of department is in the areas of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Chemistry Medical and Analytical, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Social Pharmacy.

The department pursues excellence at teaching and research. Its professors, with extensive experience professor, are highly motivated by the inclusion of innovative methods that facilitate the integrated learning of students and the acquisition of competencies for the professional world. In addition, a wide range of practical sessions in laboratories, workshops and seminars are taught, providing a complete vision of the drug, from obtaining the active ingredient and its mechanism of action to the development of new drugs to contribute to patient health.

The department is highly committed, with the highest standards of rigor and integrity, in the study of different diseases or their prevention, from the molecular aspects to the use of drugs and their follow-up in the patient.


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