degree scroll official
300 credits
5 years
130 places
School of Pharmacy and Nutrition
You will learn all about
drugs and medicines
Pharmacy is the health Degree that provides the most complete vision of the drug, from obtaining the active ingredient to its use and monitoring in the patient. From the most basicChemistry to the pharmaceutical Chemistry , through biomedical sciences, biopharmacy, biotechnology and pharmaceutical technology.
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27 mar. 2025
UNAV in Sao Paulo
27 mar. 2025
6:30 p.m.
UNAV in Sao Paulo
01 abr. 2025
UNAV in Porto Alegre
You will learn to establish critical thinking based on the scientific method and master the necessary skills for the work of laboratory, as well as the study and resolution of practical cases of the day to day of the profession.
exchange international
International Pharmaceutical Certificate
It is a proprietary degree scroll that commits the student to take several subjects in English and to carry out certain activities abroad.
training biosanitary
Double Degree in Pharmacy and Nutrition
You will obtain two official degrees with access to two health professions that will allow you to become an expert in medicine, food, nutrition and dietetics.
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Do you want more reasons?

There is no other bio-health Degree with as many professional possibilities as Pharmacy: its complete training and its close relationship with the drug make pharmacists a highly valued profile .
The School has more than eighty agreements with centers on several continents to live an international experience.
Develop your professional profile in an interdisciplinary biosanitary campus and unique in the whole national panorama. You will be able to carry out internships from 1st year.
One of the Degrees with more employment opportunities of area biosanitary. In addition, you will receive coaching for your incorporation into the professional market.

You will be able to
work in...*...*...*.
pharmacy offices; specialize via spanish pharmacy residency program in hospital pharmacy, radiopharmacy or microbiology; or dedicate yourself to research in very diverse areas of the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry. You can work in laboratories for clinical analysis, food, drugs, industrial chemicals, pollutants, etc.; or work in the public sector, in the Spanish and European Medicines Agencies, Food Safety Agencies, environmental health, CSIC or the National Institute of Toxicology, among others.
* The Degree in Pharmacy of the University of Navarra qualifies you for the exercise of the regulated profession of Pharmacist / Pharmacist, as established by the Order CIN/2137/2008, of July 3.
Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.
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Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship
The first university Entrepreneurship program that blends in seamlessly with your degree program