degree scroll official
240 credits
4 years
90 places
School of Pharmacy and Nutrition
Take care of the health of the
people through food
Human Nutrition and Dietetics is the healthDegree that trains professional experts in food, nutrition and dietetics. The dietitian-nutritionist is the person in charge of taking care of people's health through food and his/her role is relevant both in preventive aspects and in the treatment of different diseases. In addition, the Degree offers competences for the development of a profile researcher , as well as tools focused on the management in the food industry, sports counseling and the professor dimension.
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27 mar. 2025
UNAV in Sao Paulo
27 mar. 2025
6:30 p.m.
UNAV in Sao Paulo
01 abr. 2025
UNAV in Porto Alegre
The School offers the possibility of studying, apart from the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, several diplomas specialized in different aspects of nutrition and the Double Degree in Pharmacy and Human Nutrition and Dietetics...
semester from exchange
An international experience
The Diploma in International Nutrition Certificate is a proprietary degree scroll that commits the student to take several subjects in English, to carry out stays abroad and to participate in certain activities.
New professional fields
A pioneering program
The Diploma in Nutrition in Industry will prepare you professionally towards the innovation of healthier foods and products in the food industry.
Nutritional care
training for the clinical setting
The Diploma in Clinical Nutrition is an innovative program that will train you to work successfully in the world of nutrition care in clinical and hospital settings.
profile professional expert
assessment athlete nutrition
The Diploma in Sports Nutrition seeks to train dietitians-nutritionists with a greater Degree of specialization in sports nutrition.
training biosanitary
Double Degree in Pharmacy and Nutrition
You will obtain two official degrees with access to two health professions that will allow you to become an expert in medicine, food, nutrition and dietetics.
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Do you want more reasons?

The School of Pharmacy and Nutrition promotes and encourages mobility programs among all its students and professors. To this end, it maintains agreements with 80 universities and international institutions of solid prestige. The main goal of the exchange programs is not the improvement of a language, but the acquisition of competences and skills core topic for the development staff and professional.
specialization thanks to the international diplomas and the Sports Nutrition diploma.
Develop your professional profile in an interdisciplinary biosanitary campus and unique in the whole national panorama. You will be able to carry out internships from 1st year.
One of the Degrees with more employment opportunities of area biosanitary. In addition, you will receive coaching for your incorporation into the professional market.

You will be able to
work in...*...*...*.
dietary practices, food industry, hospitals and care centers, mass catering, organizations, sports nutrition, teaching and research, public sector, patient associations (cancer, obesity etc.)
* The Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics of the University of Navarra qualifies you for the exercise of the regulated profession of Dietitian-Nutritionist, as established by the Order CIN/730/2009of March 18.
Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.
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Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship
The first university Entrepreneurship program that blends in seamlessly with your degree program