


Study program

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Discover the subjects you will study


Human Nutrition and Dietetics is the health Degree that trains professional experts in nutrition. The subjects taught at Degree aim to train those responsible for taking care of people's health through food and its role is relevant both in preventive aspects and in the treatment of different diseases.

Aplicaciones anidadas




subject Character ECTS CREDIT Temporary Unit
Human Physiology Basic (CS) 9 Annual
Biochemistry Basic (CS) 9 Annual
Anthropology Basic (RO) 6 Annual
Human Anatomy Basic (CS) 6 First semester
Cell Biology Basic (CS) 6 First semester
Psychology and Food Basic (CS) 6 First semester
Fundamentals of chemistry Basic (RO) 6 Second semester
Biostatistics Basic (CS) 6 Second semester
Food economics and management Compulsory 6 Second semester
subject Character ECTS CREDIT Time unit
Ethics /
Ethics pathway inter-facultative
Basic (RO) 6 Annual
Nutrition Mandatory 9 Annual
Bromatology Mandatory 9 Annual
Pathophysiology Mandatory 9 Annual
Dietetics I Mandatory 6 First semester
Food microbiology Mandatory 6 First semester
Genetics Mandatory 3 Second semester
Dietetics II Mandatory 6 Second semester
Nutritional epidemiology Mandatory 3 Second semester
elective subject 1 (see below) elective subject 3 Second semester
subject Character ECTS CREDIT Time unit
Diet therapy Mandatory 9 Annual
Nutrition education Mandatory 4,5 First semester
Culinary technology Mandatory 3 First semester
Pharmacology Mandatory 3 First semester
Collective restoration Mandatory 6 First semester
Artificial feeding Mandatory 3 First semester
Cultural Keys (to choose from) Optional 3 First semester
Community nutrition Mandatory 4,5 Second semester
Food security Mandatory 6 Second semester
Food technology Mandatory 3 Second semester
Physical exercise and health Mandatory 3 Second semester
Scientific Methodology in Health Sciences Mandatory 3 Second semester
Nutritional phytotherapy Mandatory 3 Second semester
Cultural Keys II (to be chosen) Optional 3 Second semester
elective subject 2 (see below) elective subject 3 Second semester
subject Character ECTS CREDIT Time unit
Clinical nutrition Mandatory 6 First semester
Public Health Mandatory 6 First semester
Food legislation Mandatory 3 First semester
Dietician's ethics Mandatory 3 First semester
Diet therapy for children Mandatory 3 First semester
Food allergy and digestive intolerances Mandatory 3 First semester
elective subject 3 (see below) Optional 3 First semester
elective subject 4 (see below) Optional 3 First semester
Supervised stays Mandatory 24 Second semester
Final thesis Degree Mandatory 6 Second semester

Sports nutrition (3 ECTS credit, 2ND semester). It focuses on the importance of nutrition for good sports performance, recovery capacity and injury prevention in the athlete. Interesting for any dietician-nutritionist.

Nutrition in Geriatrics (3 ECTS credit, 2ND semester). It has an assistance approach . It provides an in-depth study of the nutritional needs of the elderly, both in healthy people and those in situations of illness.

Students who wish may take one language as subject elective subject . Only 3 ECTS credit language electives can be taken.

Nutrition in Geriatrics (3 ECTS credit, 2ND semester). It has an assistance approach . It provides an in-depth study of the nutritional needs of the elderly, both in healthy people and those in situations of illness.

Sports nutrition (3 ECTS credit, 2ND semester). It focuses on the importance of nutrition for good sports performance, recovery capacity and injury prevention in the athlete. Interesting for any dietician-nutritionist.

Students who wish may take one language as subject elective subject . Only 3 ECTS credit language electives can be taken.

New Food Products (3 ECTS credit, 1st semester) [English]. Introduces development of new food products. Taught in English. It is designed for those students who want to go a step further in perfecting the language and its application to scientific subjects.

Nutrition, Hydration and Sport (3 ECTS credit, 1ST semester). This is a subject which, due to its general interest subject matter, is offered to all students. Consult calendar and special schedule (Fridays and Saturdays).

Functional foods (3 ECTS credit, 1st semester): subject which explores in depth the knowledge of those foods with beneficial properties for health.

SME Management (3 ECTS credit, 1º semester). subject of interest for those students who wish to acquire knowledge and skills in business management (enquiry dietetics, etc.). Consult calendar and special schedule (Fridays and Saturdays).

Students who wish may take one language as subject elective subject . Only 3 ECTS credit language electives can be taken.


The School also offers transversal subjects that aim to train the student through the development of different competences. These subjects can be taken from the 3rd year onwards.

Initiation to the business (6 ECTS credit). subject eminently practical. Although the School offers places for these internships, student is encouraged to work proactively in the search for a centre. It can be done in the 3rd or 4th year.

Those students who want to have this experience and do not have more ECTS credit electives or do not want to take elective subject this subject, can take it extracurricularly.

Experimental Research (6 ECTS credit). subject eminently practical. It consists of collaborating with a lecturer-researcher of the School in a research project . To be able to take this subject it is necessary to have an academic transcript of 2 or higher. It can be taken in the 3rd or 4th year, although it is advisable to take it in the 4th year as this research work can be the basis for the TFG.

In addition, the student can obtain up to 6 ECTS credit for participating in some of the activities organized at the University. enquiry el procedure and activities.


Modules of the Study program

Each subject is integrated into a subject which in turn is part of a module. 



subject 1. Biology (6 ECTS credit)
subject : Cell Biology BS (CS) (6)

subject 2. Chemistry (6 ECTS credit)
subject : Fundamentals of Chemistry BS (OR) (6)

subject 3. Biochemistry (9 ECTS credit)
Subjects: Biochemistry BS (CS) (9)

subject 4. Human Anatomy (6 ECTS credit)
Subjects: Human Anatomy BS (CS) (6)

subject 5. Physiology (9 ECTS credit)
subject : Human Physiology BS (CS) (9)

subject 6. Psychology (6 ECTS credit)
Subjects: Psychology and Food BS (CS) (6)

subject 7. Statistics (6 ECTS credit)
Subjects: Biostatistics BS (CS) (6)

subject 8. Anthropology (6 ECTS credit)
Subjects: Anthropology BS (OR) (6)

subject 9. Ethics (6 ECTS credit)
Subjects: Ethics BS (OR) (6)

subject 1. Food Studies (15 ECTS credit)
- Bromatology (OB) (9)
- Food Microbiology (OB) (6)

subject 2. Food Processing (6 ECTS credit)
- Culinary Technology (OB) (3)
- Food Technology (OB) (3)

subject 1. Food Hygiene and Safety (9 ECTS credit)
- Food Safety (OB) (6)
- Food Legislation (OB) (3)

subject 2. Quality Management (12 ECTS credit)
- Food Economics and Management (OB) (6)
- Mass Catering (OB) (6)

subject 1. Information and Methodology in Health Sciences (3 ECTS credit)
- Scientific Methodology in Health Sciences (OB) (3)

subject 2. Nutrition (18 ECTS credit)
- Nutrition (OB) (9)
- Clinical Nutrition (OB) (6)
- Nutritional Phytotherapy (OB) (3)

subject 3. Immunology (3 ECTS credit)
- Food Allergy and Digestive Intolerances (OB) (3)

subject 4. Genetics (3 ECTS credit)
- Genetics (OB) (3)

subject 5. Dietetics (15 ECTS credit)
- Dietetics I (OB) (6)
- Dietetics II (OB) (6)
- Physical Exercise and Health (OB) (3)

subject 6. Physiopathology (9 ECTS credit)
- Pathophysiology (OB) (9)

subject 7. Pharmacology (3 ECTS credit)
- Pharmacology (OB) (3)

subject 8. Diet therapy (15 ECTS credit)
- Diet Therapy (OB) (9)
- Diet Therapy for Children (OB) (3)
- Artificial Feeding (OB) (3)

subject 1. Public Health (9 ECTS credit)
- Nutritional Epidemiology (OB) (3)
- Public Health (OB) (6)

subject 2. Community Nutrition (9 ECTS credit)
- Community Nutrition (OB) (4,5)
- Nutrition Education (OB) (4,5)

subject 1. General and Vocational Training (9 ECTS credit)
- Deontology of the Dietician (OB) (3)
- Cultural Keys (OP) (6)

subject 2. Initiation to Professional Specialisation (12 ECTS credit)
- Optional Subjects (OP) (12)

Up to a maximum of 6 ECTS credit of Module VII, subject: "Initiation to Professional Specialisation" Electives, may be recognised for students who accredit their participation in university cultural, sporting, student representation, solidarity and cooperation activities, in accordance with RD 1393/2007 and the University's rules and regulations .