


Aplicaciones anidadas

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Pharmacy and Nutrition


What will you learn?

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The Double Degree in Pharmacy and Human Nutrition and Dietetics is the most complete training in the bio-health world. The student who successfully completes the double Degree will have two official degrees and will have access to two totally complementary health professions that will allow him/her to become an expert in medicine, food, nutrition and dietetics. The double graduate in pharmacy and human nutrition and dietetics is a highly valued health professional.

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You will be able to work in...

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Community pharmacy

In dietary practices or cabinets, pharmacy offices, hospital pharmacy, radiopharmacy, microbiology, etc.



Pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry (in many different areas), sports nutrition, etc.

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Laboratories for clinical analysis, food, drugs, industrial chemicals, pollutants, etc.


Public sector

Spanish and European Medicines Agency, Food Safety Agencies, environmental health, CSIC, National Institute of Toxicology, etc.

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Plan of programs of study

Aplicaciones anidadas

Asignaturas - Plan de Estudios 2018


subject Character ECTS CREDIT Time unit
Anthropology Basic (OR) 6 Annual
Chemical foundations of pharmacy Basic (OR) 9 Annual
Human Anatomy Basic (CS) 6 First semester
Cell biology Basic (CS) 6 First semester
Biostatistics Basic (CS) 6 First semester
Initiation to the work of laboratory Mandatory 3 First semester
Physico-Chemistry Mandatory 6 Second semester
Biophysics Basic (CS) 6 Second semester
Pharmaceutical botany Mandatory 3 Second semester
Inorganic chemistry Basic (OR) 6 Second semester
Medicines and health practice Mandatory 3 Second semester
Food economics and management Mandatory 6 Second semester
subject Character ECTS CREDIT Temporary union
Ethics or Ethics pathway inter-facultative Basic (OR) 6 Annual
Biochemistry and molecular biology Basic (CS) 9 Annual
Physiology and pathophysiology I Basic (CS) 6 First semester
Organic Chemistry I Mandatory 6 First semester
Plant physiology Mandatory 3 First semester
Analytical techniques Mandatory 6 First semester
Physiology and pathophysiology II Basic (CS) 6 Second semester
Organic Chemistry II Mandatory 6 Second semester
Microbiology Mandatory 6 Second semester
Parasitology Mandatory 3 Second semester
Scientific Methodology in Health Sciences Mandatory 3 Second semester
Nutritional epidemiology Mandatory 3 Second semester
subject Character ECTS CREDIT Time unit
Bromatology Mandatory 9 Annual
Nutrition Mandatory 9 Annual
Pharmaceutical Chemistry I Mandatory 6 First semester
Physiology and pathophysiology III Basic (CS) 6 First semester
Genetics and pharmacogenomics Mandatory 6 First semester
Pharmacognosy Mandatory 6 First semester
Cultural Keys I (to be chosen) Optional 3 First semester
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II Mandatory 6 Second semester
Pharmacology I Mandatory 3 Second semester
Pharmaceutical biotechnology Mandatory 6 Second semester
Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics I Mandatory 6 Second semester
Cultural Keys II (to be chosen) Optional 3 Second semester
subject Character ECTS CREDIT Time unit
Analysis and diagnosis of laboratory Mandatory 12 Annual
Pharmacology II Mandatory 6 First semester
Pharmaceutical Technology I Mandatory 6 First semester
Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics II Mandatory 6 First semester
Immunology Compulsory 3 First semester
Dietetics I Mandatory 6 First semester
Pharmacology III Mandatory 6 Second semester
Pharmaceutical Technology II Mandatory 6 Second semester
Pharmaceutical legislation and ethics Mandatory 4,5 Second semester
Pharmaceutical management and planning Mandatory 4,5 Second semester
Dietetics II Mandatory 6 Second semester
subject Character ECTS CREDIT Time unit
Clinical pharmacy and pharmacotherapy Mandatory 6 First semester
Public health Mandatory 6 First semester
Toxicology Mandatory 6 First semester
Pharmaceutical Technology III Mandatory 3 First semester
Pharmaceutical care Mandatory 3 First semester
Food microbiology Mandatory 3 First semester
Culinary technology Mandatory 3 First semester
Functional foods Mandatory 3 First semester
Supervised stays Mandatory 24 Second semester
Final Project Degree of Pharmacy Mandatory 6 Second semester
subject Character ECTS CREDIT Time unit
Diet therapy Mandatory 9 Annual
Nutrition education Mandatory 4,5 First semester
Diet therapy for children Mandatory 3 First semester
Artificial feeding Mandatory 3 First semester
Collective restoration Mandatory 6 First semester
Dentist's ethics Mandatory 3 First semester
Food legislation Mandatory 3 First semester
Food allergy and digestive intolerance Mandatory 3 First semester
Clinical nutrition Mandatory 6 Second semester
Community nutrition Mandatory 4,5 Second semester
Food security Mandatory 6 Second semester
Food technology Mandatory 3 Second semester
Physical exercise and health Mandatory  3 Second semester
Final Project Degree in Nutrition Mandatory 6 Second semester
subject Character ECTS CREDIT Time unit
Supervised stays (until February) Mandatory 24 First semester and start of the second semester
