degree scroll official
240 credits
4 years
Spanish and English
50 places
School of Sciences
A Degree to
understand our
In this Degree we guarantee you individualized internships from the beginning of your programs of study. It includes applied experimental subjects that give each student the possibility to tackle complex practical problems with the most advanced instrumental techniques.
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27 mar. 2025
UNAV in Sao Paulo
27 mar. 2025
6:30 p.m.
UNAV in Sao Paulo
01 abr. 2025
UNAV in Porto Alegre
The programs of study from Degree at Chemistry are among the most demanded qualifications by employers in different specialties: medical, environmental and business.
Subjects in English
degree program professional and researcher
The International Science Program prepares students from the first year of the program in the skills necessary to function in an increasingly global market.
management of companies
Adapted to the labor market
The Science and Business Program will specialize you in the field of science and technology business .
Double degree program
Addresses major scientific challenges
In the Double Degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry the student obtains a broad and interdisciplinary training highly valued both in the field of industry and in the field of research.
Research Training Program
Beyond the training
A special scientific and professionaltraining program, in order to encourage the continuation of research work at Chemistry.
Data Science Program
This diploma gives you professional skills to guide your professional development in the world of analysis and processing of data. Students will acquire skills to extract useful knowledge from data and interact with other professionals.
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You will acquire the basic competences and skills of a chemist, so that they can develop their professional develop their professional activity in the different economic and productive sectors related to the Chemistry: industry, services, research and development, teaching, etc.
Thanks to the Science and Business Program you will be able to fill in the Degree with training at business.
You will be able to take the International Science Program. It means taking all first courses, electives and the Final Year Project in English.
The association European Chemistry Thematic Network Association has renewed the accreditation Chemistry Eurobachelor Label to Degree of Chemistry of the School Science. This distinction accredits the quality of the programs of study of the Degree of Chemistry and homologates it with other European Degrees .
The School works closely with those of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and other centers of research such as CIMA (research center Applied Medical), CIFA (research center in Applied Pharmacobiology) and the BIOMA Centeramong others.

You will be able to
work in...
Design and production control in industrial processes; research and new technologies of chemical and biological industrial processes; in Universities, research centers and laboratories of research and development+i of chemical and pharmaceutical industries; in chemical analysis services in public or private health; in teaching in Education secondary or training professional...
Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.
Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship
The first university Entrepreneurship program that blends in seamlessly with your degree program