


Aplicaciones anidadas


This degree scroll will no longer be offered as of the 2023-2024 academic year.


The diploma in Medicinal Chemistry is a degree awarded by the University of Navarra, a European supplement to the official degree of Degree in Chemistry.

The student obtains the diploma by taking 18 ECTS credit of the 21 optional subjects offered in the area of pharmaceutical chemistry.

With this diploma the student acquires professional skills to guide their professional development in the world of pharmaceuticals and research in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry.


  • To know the instructions of the functioning of the organism, the scenario where medicines act

  • To deepen in the current strategies of design, synthesis and development of pharmaceuticals.

  • Advance in the knowledge of the different therapeutic groups and the modes of action of the drugs

  • To know the reactivity of inorganic elements and compounds financial aid to understand the evolution of basic processes in biological systems.


18 ECTS credit must be taken from the following subjects in the field of chemistry-pharmaceutics:

  • Human physiology (6 ECTS credit)

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry (6 ECTS credit)

  • Pharmacology and Toxicology (6 ECTS credit)

The list of subjects that make up the diploma could be modified while maintaining its training objectives.

These subjects are taken during the 3rd and 4th years of Degree in Chemistry.

Obtaining the diploma does not require activities that represent an increase over the 240 ECTS credit necessary to obtain the degree of graduate in Chemistry.

profile professional

student If you wish, you can fill in your training with the official master's degrees in Drug Research, development and Innovation or Biomedical Research, or other related master's degrees and official doctoral programmes at the University of Navarra.

Areas of work of the chemist with profile biosanitary: Resident Internal Chemist (spanish chemistry residency program), chemical-pharmaceutical and health industry, research, development and drug synthesis, biomedical research...




Human physiology


Pharmaceutical chemistry


Pharmacology and Toxicology
