Degree in Chemistry (officialdegree scroll )
Degree in Biochemistry (officialdegree scroll )
What will you learn?
The double Degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Navarra is a pioneering programme, unique in Spain.
It is a well-designed program, which allows students to finish their programs of study university degree with a double degree program in two complementary areas and to acquire the appropriate knowledge to develop their professional future in any of the two fields. It is an excellent option for those students who want to develop their professional degree program in the world of Biochemistry with solid knowledge of Chemistry.
By obtaining both degrees, the student student obtains a broad and interdisciplinarytraining that is highly valued both in the industry and in the field of research. This training prepares you to easily integrate into work teams with the ability to address today's scientific challenges.
subject / Subjects | semester / Semester | ECTS CREDIT |
Experimentation in Chemistry I | Annual / Annual | 6 |
Structure and Function of Biomolecules (Eng) Structural and Functional Biochemistry (Eng) |
Annual / Annual | 6 |
Anthropology | Annual / Annual | 6 |
General Chemistry I (Eng) General Chemistry I (Eng) |
Primer semester / First Semester | 9 |
Physics I | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Mathematics I | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Basic computer sciences and bibliographical techniques (Eng) Basic computer sciences and bibliographical techniques (Eng) |
Primer semester / First Semester | 3 |
General Chemistry II | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 9 |
Physics II | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Mathematics II | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 3 |
Biostatistics (Eng) Biostatistics (Eng) |
Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Subjects / Subjects | semester / Semester | ECTS CREDIT |
Ethics Ethics pathwayinter-facultative |
Annual / Annual | 6 |
Crystallography and mineralogy | Annual / Annual | 6 |
Chemical thermodynamics and kinetics | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
laboratory of thermodynamics and kinetics | Primer semester / First Semester | 1,5 |
laboratory of inorganic synthesis | Primer semester / First Semester | 1,5 |
Numerical calculation | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Differential equations | Primer semester / First Semester | 3 |
Metabolism and its regulation | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Quantitative Analytical Chemistry (Eng) | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Organic chemistry | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Laboratory of atomic and molecular structures | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 1,5 |
laboratory of fundamental analysis | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 3 |
laboratory of fundamental organic | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 1,5 |
Cell signalling | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Subjects / Subjects | semester / Semester | ECTS CREDIT |
Instrumental analytical chemistry (Eng) | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Organic analysis | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Coordination and organometallic chemistry | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
laboratory of instrumental analysis | Primer semester / First Semester | 1,5 |
Organic analysis techniques | Primer semester / First Semester | 1,5 |
Cell Biology and Histology (Eng) Cell Biology and Histology (Eng) |
Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Cultural Keys (choose from the following) | Primer semester / First Semester | 3 |
Organic synthesis and reaction mechanisms | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Statiscal thermodynamics, transport and surfaces | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Solid state chemistry | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Characterisation of inorganic solids | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 3 |
laboratory of interfaces and colloids | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 1,5 |
laboratory of organic synthesis | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 1,5 |
Organography (Eng) Functional Histology (Eng) |
Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Biology Fundamentals (Eng) Biology Fundamentals (Eng) |
Segundo semester / Second Semester | 3 |
Cultural Keys II (choose from the following) | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 3 |
subject / Subjects | semester / Semester | ECTS CREDIT |
Chemical engineering | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Separation methods and chemometrics | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Professional ethics | Primer semester / First Semester | 3 |
Science of the Materials | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Genetics | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Cell biology extension | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
laboratory integrated | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 9 |
Final Project Degree (Chemistry) | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 15 |
Projects in chemistry | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 3 |
Genetic Engineering (Eng) | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Subjects / Subjects | semester / Semester | ECTS CREDIT |
Instrumental methods in biochemistry and molecular biology II | Annual / Annual | 6 |
Biosynthesis of macromolecules and their regulation | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Human molecular genetics (Eng) | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
General Microbiology (Eng) General Microbiology (Eng) |
Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
General physiology | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Molecular pathology | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Immunology | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Clinical bacteriology | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 3 |
Molecular Physiology (Eng) | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Virology | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 3 |
Subjects / Subjects | semester / Semester | ECTS CREDIT |
Pharmacology and toxicology | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Management and professional skills | Primer semester / First Semester | 3 |
Clinical biochemistry | Primer semester / First Semester | 6 |
Computational biology (Eng) | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Pathophysiology | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Instrumental methods in biochemistry and molecular biology I | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Structure of macromolecules | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 6 |
Final Project Degree (Biochemistry) | Segundo semester / Second Semester | 15 |
How does this work? double Degree?

The Double Degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry consists of 378 ECTS credit, distributed in six academic years, divided into two semesters.
The first four years correspond to the Degree of Chemistry, including some subject of Biochemistry . The last two years are completed Degree of Biochemistry .
The Study program of the Double Degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry includes two Final Projects Degree, one corresponding to each Degree.