PhD dissertations
FIERRO ZAMORA, PEDRO. Campañas y desafección. instructions para una reconstrucción conceptual y rules and regulations de la advertising electoral en virtud de sus efectos democráticos. Director: Ana Azurmendi Adarraga and Alberto Pedro López-Hermida Russo. Read 21 June 2018.
DOBÓN ROUX, PILAR. History of Antena 3 Radio (1982-1994). Director Carlos Barrera del Barrio. Read 25 September 2017.
SCULL BAPTISTA, MORELA. El libro, los "mass average" y la República de la Tecnología según el pensamiento de Daniel J. Boorstin: una nueva perspectiva de la Teoría de la Comunicación. Director José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read: 12 May 2017.
GÓMEZ-IGLESIAS ROSÓN, VICTORINO. From self-regulation to co-regulation. A study of its application in the main European countries. The Spanish case. Director: Mercedes Muñoz Saldaña. Read: 20 December 2016.
REBOLLEDO DE LA CALLE, MARTA. The personalisation of electoral campaigns in Spain and France: a comparative study of television advertisements in the 21st century. Director Director: Jordi Rodriguez Virgili. Co-director: Philippe Maarek. Read: 17 September 2016.
BAPTISTA SERNA, JOYCE. The public diplomacy of European city networks. Analysis of the quality of internal relations. Director: Mª Teresa la Porte Fernández-Alfaro. Read: 27 June 2016.
RAMOS RUGEL, RAQUEL. Pedro J. Ramírez, from Diario 16 to the Foundation of El Mundo. Director Dr. D. Carlos Barrera Del Barrio. Read: 5 February 2016.
DE OLIVEIRA, CAMILA. Communication and risk perception: Journalism in Spain on the anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. Director By: Alejandro Navas. Read: 17 December 2015.
BUESO TORRES, ROBERTA. Fashion communication in Spain. A sociocultural study of the magazine Telva (1963-1975). Directors: Mónica Codina Blanco and Mercedes Montero Díaz. Read: 27 November 2015.
RODRÍGUEZ ANDRÉS, ROBERTO. Political persuasion. Theoretical-practical analysis of the concept and foundations of political communication. Director: Mª José Canel Crespo. Read:18 November 2015.
ZUBIETA PENICHE, PABLO ARTURO: Influencia de Two and a Half Man en la decisión de mantener la soltería. Theoretical-empirical approach to the power of placements in comedy programmes. Director José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read: 22 December 2014.
ORTIZ GALINDO, ROCÍO: Los cibermovimientos sociales. New communicative opportunities in the era of the Internet and the social Web, new possibilities for democratic transformation. Director Alejandro Navas and Co-director Mónica Codina. Read 21 November 2014.
LÓPEZ ARANGUREN, JUAN LUIS: Application of rational choice theory to the study of international communication in East Asia: The case of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Director Director: Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi. Co-director: Juan Pablo Artero Muñoz. Read: 12 December 2013.
HUAMÁN FLORES, FERNANDO: Aportaciones de la Philosophy personalista a la teoría de la comunicación: Consideraciones conceptuales desde la óptica de la expresión comunicativa. Director Manuel Víctor Martín Algarra and Javier Serrano Puche. Read: 25 October 2013.
SO ROCA, SARA MIRIAM: Communication and policy coherence. The case of the European Union's development policy. Director: Mª Teresa La Porte. Read: 27 September 2013.
PLATT LUGO, SARAH: The life, work and thought of the writer and journalist, Ryzard Kapuscinski (1932-2007). Director By Alejandro Navas. Read: 26 March 2012.
AZPÍROZ MANERO, Mª LUISA: La diplomacia pública estadounidense de la "Guerra contra el terror": análisis y assessment de su influencia en la prensa española. Director By Mª Teresa La Porte. Read 16 December 2011.
APEZARENA ARMIÑO, JOSÉ ANTONIO: Antonio Herrero Losada and Europa Press. Director Carlos Barrera del Barrio. Read 15 September 2011.
NAVARRO ARROYO, MARIANO: Comunidad y comunicación en el pragmatismo social: Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead y John Dewey. Directors: Manuel Martín Algarra and Marta Torregrosa Puig. Read: 8 June 2011.
GOÑI SAEZ, FERMÍN: La Philosophy científica y la conceptualización del hecho comunicativo. The onto-epistemological postulates of the science of communication. Director By: Alejandro Navas. Read: 26 March 2011.
ÁLVAREZ FURUNDARENA, CARLOS: Víctor Ruíz Albéniz "El Tebib-Arrumi". From war correspondent to "Zapa" journalist. Director By: Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi. Read: 10 December 2010.
ZURUTUZA MUÑOZ, CRISTINA: Reformulación dramatística de la comunicación de crisis frente al terrorismo: aplicación metodológica a los atentados del 11 de marzo de 2004 en España. Director: Teresa Sádaba Garraza, Read: 18 December 2009.
SANCHEZ IBARROLA, LUIS ANTONIO: Contribution of the Basques to Castile in the training of New Spain, and their role in the media during the exile in Mexico in the 20th century. Director By: Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi. Read: 11 December 2009.
ANDÍA CELAYA, LUIS ALBERTO: El primer Diario 16 (1976-1980). Director: Mercedes Montero Díaz. Read on 17 October 2009.
CÓRDOBA HERNÁNDEZ, Ana María: La línea publishing house de ABC, El País, El Mundo y La Vanguardia frente al conflicto palestino-israelí: 1993-2004. Director By Jaume Aurell Cardona. Co-director: Mercedes Montero. Read on 21 May 2009.
PALACIOS ZUASTI, Luis: Información y milicia: Análisis de un challenge comunicativo. Director Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi. Read on 15 May 2009
BRITO DE MACEDO, Marcus Vinicius: La diplomacia pontificia como servicio cetrino. Director Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi. Read on 13 May 2009.
NICOLÁS GAVILÁN, María Teresa: approach del conflicto israelí-palestino. Analysis of the cultural factors that influence correspondents, special envoys and freelancers. Director By Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi. Read on 3 April 2009.
VELASCO BARRERA, José Guillermo: El descrédito de la política y los políticos en el contexto de las sociedades demócratas modernas: el caso de México. Director Esteban López-Escobar. Read on 19 December 2008.
IROZ RYMER, Milagros: Los periodistas uruguayos. Roles and attitudes of communication professionals. Director José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read on 9 December 2008.
LAFUENTE PÉREZ, Patricia: La inmigración reciente en España y la cobertura informativa de este fenómeno en la prensa española. Director Alejandro Navas García. Read on 2 December 2008.
LU, Yu Ting: State identity as an electoral argument in Taiwan: the press in the 1996, 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. Director By Jordi Rodríguez Virgili. Read on 1 December 2008.
OREJUELA seminar, Sandra Cecilia: Definition of personalization from Political Communication. Peruvian electoral campaign 2006: analysis of the use of personalization in electoral spots. Director: Teresa Sádaba Garraza. Read on November 25, 2008.
LÓPEZ-HERMIDA RUSSO, Alberto Pedro: El estereotipo de género en política. The image of the female candidate in the Chilean presidential elections and its continuity in the first year of Michelle Bachelet's government.Director José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read on 21 December 2007.
GARCÍA ORTEGA, Carmela: The transition in Navarre through the press: the period of the constitutional debates. Director José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read on 7 December 2007.
BONAUT IRIARTE, Joseba: Televisión y deporte: la influencia de la programación deportiva en el development de TVE durante el monopolio de la televisión pública (1956-1988). Director José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read: 14 October 2006.
GRANDÍO PÉREZ María del Mar. The audience's television experience and the concept of entertainment. The case of Friends in Spain. Director José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read: 2 October 2006.
GONZALEZ LUIS, Hildegart. Estrategias comunicativas e impacto mediático de las ONGDs. Director Mª Teresa La Porte Fernandez-Alfaro. Read: 25 November 2005.
MUÑOZ SALDAÑA, Mercedes. Television as a service of general economic interest. A community perspective. Director: Ana Azurmendi. Read: 20 January 2005.
NOGUE REGAS, Anna María. The transition of "La Vanguardia": from late Francoism to democracy. Director By: Carlos Barrera. Read: 16 December 2004.
ZUGASTI AZAGRA, Ricardo. Monarchy, press and democracy in the Spanish transition: a relationship of complicity (1975-1978). Director Carlos Barrera. Read: 9 December 2004.
PEÑA, María Laura. The white tent of dignity. La prensa como actor político: análisis de la cobertura periodística del conflicto político-educational argentino en el período 1997-1999. Director By: Alejandro Navas. Read: 24 June 2004.
ZAMORA MEDINA, Rocío. Information campaigns and social distancing: analysis of public attitudes registered in the Spanish campaign on the Euro from an extension of the Knowledge Gap theory. Director: María José Canel. Read: 6 May 2004.
ALAS ALAS, Raúl Mauricio. Framing en la prensa salvadoreña: proposal de model de análisis de contenido cualitativo para la cobertura informativa de la campaña electoral de San Salvador (2003). Director José J. Sánchez Aranda. 5 May 2004.
ELGUETA RUIZ, Álvaro Patricio. The social perception of journalists and the media in Spain. Director Esteban López-Escobar. Read: 5 April 2004.
PIZARRO, Ana Marcela. Dynamics and contents of the international section of the Argentinean press: La Nación and Calrín, 1980-1998. Director: María Teresa La Porte. Read: 27 March 2004.
GOMEZ PONCE, Mariela Ruth. La internship de Periodismo Cívico en Latinoamérica. The Argentinean case of the newspaper "El Liberal" (1898-1999). Director By: José Francisco Sánchez. Read: 25 February 2004.
CABRERA, Daniel Horacio. New technologies and social imaginaries. An interpretation of the contemporary neotechnological imaginary. Director Alejandro Navas. Read: 13 December 2003.
DUSSAILLANT BALBONTIN, Patricio. Framing in the 1999 Chilean presidential elections. Director José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read 26 November 2003.
TU, Wei-Chun. Taiwan's 2000 presidential election (analysis of its journalistic treatment). Director Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi. Read: 21 June 2003.
ULLATE HERNANDEZ, Mª Dolores. La información comunitaria sobre cooperación local (los hermanamientos de Navarra). Director Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi. Read: 19 December 2002.
RODRIGUEZ VIRGILI, Jorge. "El Alcázar", "Nuevo Diario" and PESA. From siege to despoilment (1936-1979). Director By: Carlos Barrera. Read: 13 September 2002.
GARATE OTEGUI, María Luisa. The press as a shaper of the new international order: analysis of the treatment of the concept in editorials on the war in the former Yugoslavia. Director: María Teresa La Porte. Read: 8 June 2002.
ARTAZCOZ LOPEZ, María Ángeles. Angel María Pascual, journalist. Director José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read: 6 April 2001.
VILLANUEVA VILLANUEVA, Ernesto. Information self-regulation and press councils around the world. A comparative approach. Director: Ana Azurmendi. Read: 29 March 2001.
VARA MIGUEL, Alfonso. La influencia de los partidos políticos en la construcción de la diary mediática y el rol de los periodistas como mediadores sociales. Aproximación teórico-internship a las teorías de la diary setting y de la diary building. Director By: José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read: 2 March 2001.
SADABA GARRAZA, Teresa. Framing theory from a symbolic perspective. Director: Mª José Canel Crespo. Read: 30 January 2001.
RUIZ, Fernando Javier. Periodismo, política y violencia en la Argentina de los setenta: el diario La Opinión, 1971-1977. Director Carlos Barrera del Barrio. Read: 21 December 2000.
HUDSON FRIAS, Eileen. The transformation of El Observador Económico into a general interest newspaper. Director José Francisco Sánchez. Read: 21 October 2000.
RODRIGUEZ PARDO, Julián. The copyright in the multimedia work. Director: Ana Azurmendi. Read: 15 September 2000.