Research projects
Climate change and plastic waste: legal challenges of circular Economics as a paradigm for the protection of planetary health and justice (Justcircular). Principal researcher : Aitana de la Varga Pastor, Associate Professor at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Funding entity: Ministerio de Economics y Competitividad research and development Start date: 1 September 2021 End date: 31 August 2024 budget: 40.172€ Member researcher: Andrea Cocchini
2. (2020-2023) Building Res Publica in a Culturally and Morally Complex Society: A Normative Inquiry Informed by History, Law, and Social 2 Science. Director: David Thunder. Participation: co-investigator: Pilar Zambrano (with 7 other researchers). Funded by: Fundación Ciudadanía y Valores. Amount: 38,950 Euros.
3. The search for an international regulation of cyber activities: a necessity (Cybinreg). principal researcher : María José Cervell Hortal, Professor of International Law and International Relations at the University of Murcia. Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation / AEIF Start date: 1 September 2021 End date: 31 August 2024. budget: 21.780€ team member researcher: Andrea Cocchini
4. European Union - India Think Tanks Twinning Initiative 2022-2023: 'Third State Interference: Prospects for European Union - India Cooperation'. principalresearcher : Gonzalo Villalta Puig. Funding entity: European Union Policy and Outreach Partnership in India (PSF 2019 - Lot 1): European Union - India Strategic Partnership: Delegation of the European Union to India: Service for Foreign Policy Instruments: European Commission; budget: 30.000€ (consortium University of Navarra / XKDR Forum). Start date: May 24, 2023. End date: February 29, 2024. researcher team members: Shahana Parathanal, Patrick O'Malley.
5. The EU New Pact on Asylum and Migration (EUMIGR). Principal Investigator: María Teresa Gil Bazo, Professor of International Law and International Relations. Funding Entity: European Union. Start date: October 1, 2024 End date: September 31, 2027. budget: 60,000€. Research members: Joseba Fernández-Gaztea, Carolina Montoro Gurich, María Martín Andrade. WEB