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Grupo Máquinas y Vehículos tit

Machines and Vehicles

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Grupo Máquinas y Vehículos intro

The group from Machines and Vehicles seeks the knowledge and the training in areas of interest for the mechanical behavior and design of machines and vehicles, specifically automotive and railroad (in the latter case in partnership with the Technological Center CEIT).

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In the Machinery section, research focuses on design and mechanical behaviour, on essay and calculation (especially using the finite element method) and on the study of the dynamics of the system, including aspects of vibration transmission and isolation.

As far as the study of vehicles is concerned, vehicle and infrastructure models (road and rail) and the study of different components (tyres, suspension elements, chassis, etc.) are also addressed, both experimentally and by simulating their behaviour. The electrification of vehicles and driving control are other aspects that are gaining in importance.

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In more detail, the research carried out focuses on:

 Characterisation and modelling of suspension elements in vehicles and machines: rubber-metal parts, pneumatic balls, shock absorbers, springs (FEM models, mechanical models, analytical and fluid-structure interaction models).

 Study of ageing and fatigue phenomena in suspension parts. Failure modes.

 Use of "Smart materials" in suspension elements and their manufacture.

 Thermal modelling of tyres and wear characterisation.

 Multibody vehicle modelling and dynamic simulations, both in automotive (ISO manoeuvres and Closed Loop created by model of driver) and railway (study of forces on contact, influence of different elements on comfort, simplified models of suspension elements, etc.).

 Road modelling (IPG CarMaker & Unity for implementation on CRUDEN platform).

 Study of vehicle electrification. Electrical powertrain dimensioning (energy calculation, power, packaging, cooling).

 Electric power train test bench (battery, inverter, motor, control).

 Evaluation by Software in the Loop (SiL), Hardware in the Loop (HiL), Driver in the Loop (DiL) and real vehicle on track.

 Active chassis control systems.

The group of Machines and Vehicles collaborates actively with the group de Ferrocarril de Ceit-BRTA.

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Miembros del grupo Máquinas y Vehículos rojo

Members of the group 




Nere Gil-Negrete Laborda



+34 943 219877 Extension: 842320

View CV "View Nere Gil-Negrete Laborda's CV".

Tyrone Cristóbal Pazmiño Franco



+34 943 219877 Extension: 842581

Ane Oyarzabal Albas

PhD Student


+34 943 219877 Extension: 842502

Sergio Antía Vallecillo

PhD Student


+34 943 219877 Extension: 842575

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The Machinery and Vehicle Area is divided into 3 zones:

► ZONE 1: laboratory for Automotive

► ZONE 2: laboratory of Composite Materials

► ZONE 3: laboratory of Experimental Mechanics

ZONE 1: laboratory Automotive

This is the place where the TECNUN eRacing team focuses its activity. I have:

► conference room with 15 PCs dedicated to design and calculation of the different components of the vehicle Specifications: Core i5-2400, 4 GBytes RAM, Nvidia NVS 300 and 22 inch monitor.

► Bridge crane.

► Platform lift.

► Compressed air.

► Laminating table & vacuum pumps.

► Bahco Tool Trolley.

► Engine bench essay .

ZONE 2: laboratory of Materials Composites

This is the area where machine elements are designed, calculated and constructed from Materials composites (mainly carbon fibre).

► conference room with 5 PCs dedicated to design and calculation of the different components of the vehicle Specifications: Core i5-2400, 4 GBytes RAM, Nvidia NVS 300 and 22" monitor.

► Refrigerator

► Vacuum pump

ZONE 3: laboratory of Experimental Mechanics

Instron hydropuls MHF25l machine, which allows loads of up to 20kN to be applied in a frequency range of up to 400Hz.

Oil-hydraulic dynamic testing machine for loads up to 10 kN and displacements up to 200 mm.



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