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Robotics and Control

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txt Control y Automática

The group of Robotics and Control is a group multidisciplinary with extensive experience in industrial robotics, design and control of mechatronic systems, haptic devices, virtual reality and augmented reality, and optical technologies applied to metrology (dimensional control) and defectology (surface quality). We are currently working on the following topics:

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 Collaborative robotics for surgical interventions.

 development of haptic devices for industrial assembly operations.

 development of drive-by-wire systems with haptic feedback.

 Industrial process simulators for assessment of alternatives.

 Generation of virtual twins of industrial plant elements.

 Augmented reality for guiding operators in manoeuvres or maintenance processes.

 Dimensional control of parts at elevated temperatures.

 High-precision machine vision for gear measurement.

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In recent years, group has collaborated with Egile Corporation, Cyber Surgery, Kiro Grifols, Ficosa Internacional, Lander Simulation & Training Solutions, Airbus, CTIngenieros, Tesicnor, Labekoa, etc.

The group of Robotics and Control collaborates actively with the group of Intelligent Systems for Industry 4.0 of Ceit-BRTA.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Miembros del grupo Robótica y Control rojo

Members of the group 




Jorge Juan Gil Nobajas

Full Professor


+34 943 219877 Extension: 842250

View CV "View CV of Jorge Juan Gil Nobajas".

José Sebastián Gutiérrez Calderón

Associate Professor


+34 943 219877 Extension: 842437

View CV "View José Sebastián Gutiérrez Calderón's CV".

Wilson David Brian Mesa

PhD Student


+34 943 219877 Extension: 842571

Aplicaciones anidadas

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Year 2019

►degree scroll: protocol validation of syringe filling via Kiro Fill
Acronym: KIRO FILL
researcher principal: EMILIO SÁNCHEZ
Start date: 11/3/19
End date: 31/10/19

Year 2018

►degree scroll: development of virtual models for the improvement of the life of components and capital goods.
Acronym: VIRTUAL
researcher Principal: MIKEL ARIZMENDI
Call: Basque Government Elkartek
Start date: 1/1/18
End date: 31/12/19

Year 2017

►degree scroll: research on the precision, automation and intelligence of navigation, planning and mechatronics technologies to transform complex surgeries into safe minimally invasive and robotised surgeries with cobots.
researcher Principal: EMILIO SÁNCHEZ
Call: Basque Government Elkartek
Start date: 1/4/17
End date: 31/12/18

Year 2015 

►degree scroll: development and Validation of a Registration System for Maxillofacial Robotic Surgery
researcher Principal: EMILIO SÁNCHEZ
Start date: 1/10/15
End date: 31/06/2018

The group Robotics and Control has several robots and mechanisms with force reflection (haptic interfaces):

► 1 Franka Emika collaborative robot with 7 axes

► 1 Fanuc LR Mate 200iB 6-axis industrial robot

► 1 industrial robot Denso VP-6242G2M-UL with 6 axes

► 1 Mitsubishi PA-10 7-axis industrial robot

► 1 Cartesian robot classroom 3-axis Biele

1 haptic interface Phantom Premium 1.5 of 6 active GDLs

► 1 Phantom Premium 1.0 haptic interface with 3 GDL active

► 3 Phantom Omni haptic interfaces of 3 active GDLs

► 1 robot Stäubli TX60

► 1 adaptive robot gripper Robotiq 2-finger 85




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