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research Active Projects

Serious projects with solid instructions are needed, in order to be able to make preventive recommendations on healthy eating to the population.

Among our most relevant projects, the Cohorte Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) and the PREDIMED-PLUS Study are worth mentioning.


Organization: University of Navarra

City: Pamplona

No. of researchers: 30

Financing entities: European Union

subject of entity: State Agency

Funding City: Brussels

Start/end date: 01/10/2023-30/09/2028

Total amount: €358,437

researcher Principal: Miguel Ángel Martínez González

Start date: April 2014

End date: April 2019

Funding body: European Research Council (Advanced Research Grant).

NO. transcript: 340918

researcher Principal: Frank B. Hu

Co-researcher: Miguel Ángel Martínez González

Start date: September 2014

End Date: August 2018

Funding entity: National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (USA).

NO transcript: 1R01DK102896-01

Principal Investigator: Maira Bes Rastrollo

Start date: January 2015

End date: December 2017

Funding entity: Fondo de research Sanitaria (FIS)-high school de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economics y Competitividad. Spanish Government. FEDER funds.

NO transcript: PI14/01668

Amount awarded: €12,100

Objectives: To assess the possible role of per diem expenses and other lifestyle factors associated with this disease through a prospective cohort study of pregnant women from project SUN.

researcher Principal: Francisca Lahortiga Ramos

Start date: January 2015

End date: December 2017

Funding entity: Fondo de research Sanitaria (FIS)-high school de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economics y Competitividad. Spanish Government. FEDER funds.

NO transcript: PI14/01798

Amount granted: 98.010 €.

Aims: To analyse the effect of different dietary, physical activity and alcohol consumption patterns on depression in the project SUN.

Principal Investigators: Estefanía A. Toledo Atucha / Francisco Guillén Grima

Start date: January 2015

End date: December 2017

Funding entity: Fondo de research Sanitaria (FIS)-high school de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economics y Competitividad. Government of Spain.

NO transcript: PI14/01764

Principal Investigator: Maira Bes Rastrollo

Start date: October 2014

End date: October 2017

Funding entity: Government of Navarre, department de Salud

NO. transcript: 122/2014

researcher Principal: Frank B. Hu

Co-researcher: Miguel Ángel Martínez González

Start date: July 2013

End Date: June 2017

Funding entity: National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (USA).

NO transcript: 1R01HL118264-01

researcher Principal: Miguel Ángel Martínez González

Start date: January 2014

End date: December 2016

Funding entity: Fondo de research Sanitaria (FIS)-high school de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economics y Competitividad. Spanish Government. FEDER funds

NO transcript: PI13/01090

Amount granted: 132,555.5€.

Objectives: To determine the effect on adiposity, cardiovascular risk factors and quality of life of an intensive weight loss intervention based on a traditional low-calorie Mediterranean per diem expenses , physical activity and behavioural therapy.

Principal Investigator: Maira Bes Rastrollo

Start date: January 2014

End date: December 2016

Funding entity: Spanish Society of Basic and Applied Nutrition (SENBA)-FESNAD.

No. transcript: n/a

researcher principal: Jokin de Irala Estévez

Start date: September 2013

End date: August 2016

Funding Entity: Institute for Culture and Society, University of Navarra

transcript: P10-03

researcher Principal: Miguel Ángel Martínez González

Start date: January 2014

End date: December 2015

Funding body: International Nut and Dried Fruit Council.

NO. transcript: 201302

researcher Principal: Miguel Ángel Martínez González

group from research: Nutritional Epidemiology, programs of study SUN and PREDIMED, Primary Care (OSASUNBIDEA) and University of Navarra.

Start date: January 2013

End date: December 2015

Funding Entity: high school de Salud Carlos III. Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, Government of Spain.

NO transcript: CB12/03/30017

researcher Principal: Miguel Ángel Martínez González

Start date: June 2014

End date: July 2015

Funding entity: Fundación Cajanavarra.

NO. transcript: 32-2014

researcher principal: Jokin de Irala Estévez

Start date: June 2014

End date: July 2015

Financing entity: Fundación Cajanavarra

transcript: 32-2014

researcher principal: Silvia Carlos Chillerón

Start date: June 2014

End date: July 2015

Financing entity: Fundación Cajanavarra

transcript: 22-2014

Principal Investigator: Maira Bes Rastrollo

Start date: April 2012

End date: April 2015

Funding entity: Government of Navarre, department de Salud

NO. transcript: 45/2011

researcher Principal: MAIRA BES RASTROLLO

Start date: January 2014

End date: December 2014

Funding entity: Fondo de research Sanitaria (FIS)-high school de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economics y Competitividad. Spanish Government. FEDER funds.

NO transcript: PI13/00615

Amount awarded: 12,644.5 €.

Aims: To assess for the first time the possible protective role of a traditional Mediterranean patron saint per diem expenses in the development of GDM, as well as other lifestyles such as physical activity, westernised dietary patron saint , vitamin and mineral deficiencies and intake of pollutants through per diem expenses.



Ministry of Economy. Spanish Government