doctoral program distinguished with the accredited specialization of Excellence (MEE 2011-009) by the Ministry of Education for the academic years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14.
The Official Programme of doctorate in research Biomedicine, belonging to the School of doctorate of the University of Navarra, is a programme adapted to the European Higher Education Area Education that complies with Royal Decree 1393/2007, which establishes the organisation of the official teaching of doctorate. It has official status and is registered in the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees (BOE of 22 April 2013).
This programme is heir to the "doctoral program en Cell and Molecular Biology", which was established at the University of Navarra in the 1999-2000 academic year academic year and was awarded the accredited specialization Quality Award by the Ministry of Education and Science (MCD2004-00346, renewed continuously from the 2004/2005 to 2010/2011 academic years). In 2011 it was awarded the accredited specialization of Excellence(MEE 2011-0099) by the Ministry of Education for the academic years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 (BOE of 20 October 2011).
From academic year 1999-2000 to 2012-2013 a total of 293 students have enrolled in this doctoral program , of which 170 have defended their doctoral degree thesis .
Programme Director: Dr. D.ª María D. Odero (
area Oncology Department. laboratory de Genetics (Lab. 1.07) Cima
Tel.: 948 19 47 00 Ext. (81) 1009
Director Executive of the School of doctorate: D. Unai Zalba (
Central Building. Office of the Registrar. Tel. 948 42 56 00 Ext. 2921
administrative office School of Science: D.ª Carolina Matute Martínez (
Tel.: 948 42 56 00 Ext. 6222 Fax: 948 42 57 40
School of Sciences. University of Navarra
C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
The doctoral program in research Biomedicine (governed by RD 99/2011 of 28 January) comes from the "Official Programme of doctorate in Cell Biology" (regulated by RD778/1998 of 30 April), which was established at the University of Navarra in academic year 1987-88, and which from the academic year 1999-2000 was followed by the "doctoral program in Cell and Molecular Biology" (regulated by RD1393/2007 of 29 October).
This programme was awarded the accredited specialization of Quality by the Ministry of Education and Science(MCD2004-00346) in 2004, which was renewed continuously until the academic year 2010-11(MEE 2011-0099). In 2011 it was awarded the accredited specialization of Excellence(MEE 2011-0099) by the Ministry of Education for the academic years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 (BOE of 20 October 2011).
The following centres and Departments of the University of Navarra are participating in development :
Schools of Science and Medicine
- department of Biochemistry and Genetics
- department of Histology and Anatomy Pathology
- department of Microbiology and Parasitology
research center Applied Medicine (CIMA) - area of Oncology
- area of Neurosciences
- area of Cardiovascular Sciences
- area of Gene Therapy and Hepatology
research center in Applied Pharmacobiology(CIFA)
Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN)
These professors actively participate in thematic networks of research and in research projects funded by both public and private entities. In addition, some of them are integrated in the research and development+i strategy of the University through the PIUNA (Plan de research of the University of Navarra).
Depending on the project of thesis doctoral, professors from other Departments of the area of Sciences of the University of Navarra can participate in the development of the Programme, mainly in the co-direction of thesis doctoral. Likewise, lecturers and PhDs from other national and foreign institutions participate in the Programme, either in the co-direction of doctoral thesis , teaching seminars, mobility actions (both of doctoral students and of the lecturers themselves), participation in thesis tribunals convened to obtain the accredited specialization International in the degree scroll doctoral degree, etc.
There are partnership agreements and relations with other universities and research centres (national and foreign) that favour the mobility of the students on the programme and the internationalization programme. This makes it easier for students on the programme to carry out part of their research work at these centres and contributes greatly to improving and enriching the training of future PhDs.
report final evaluation (.pdf)
Maria D. Odero
Programme Coordinator
contact general
Carolina Matute Martínez
C/ Irunlarrea, 1.
31008 Pamplona
+34 948 42 56 00 Ext. 80 6222
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Degree
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of Credit Recognition for Technician of training Profesional
- Rules and regulations University Basics
- Rules and regulations general about assessment