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The School of Sciences considers it essential to guarantee the quality of the degrees and services it offers. goal To this end, the university has implemented an Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIC) with the aim of carrying out continuous monitoring and review of its degrees. This systematically covers the activities that the School carries out in order to promote the quality and continuous improvement of all the official qualifications (Degree, masters and doctorate) and the services it offers.

The School Science has a Quality Assurance Committee, which is responsible for promoting and supervising the quality management system.

By incorporating review and continuous improvement strategies, School aims to develop and monitor its actions, review and redefine them according to the needs and expectations of its stakeholders.

Aplicaciones anidadas



Quality Assurance System

Quality Assurance Committee

Degree Commissions (Degree, Doctorate and Master)

Commission of the Degree Biology:
- Elena Bodegas Frías. 
    Dept. of Pathology, Anatomy and Physiology (
- Estíbaliz Alegre Martínez. 
   Dept. Biochemistry and Genetics (
- Enrique Baquero Martín. 
    Dept. of Environmental Biology (

Biochemistry Degree Committee :
- Mª Ángela Burrell Bustos
Dept. of Pathology, Anatomy and Physiology (e-mail:
- Juan José Martínez Irujo
Dept. of Biochemistry and Genetics (e-mail:
- Raquel Conde Álvarez
Dept. of Microbiology and Parasitology (e-mail:

Chemistry Degree Committee:
- José Mª Fernández Álvarez
Dept. of Chemistry (e-mail:
- Rafael Sirera Bejarano
Dept. of Chemistry (e-mail:
- Daniel Plano Amatriain
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology and Chemistry (e-mail:

Commission of the Degree in Environmental Sciences:
- Carolina Santamaría Elola
Dept. of Chemistry (e-mail:
- Carmen Antolín Bellver
Dept. of Environmental Biology (e-mail:
- David Elustondo Valencia
Dept. of Chemistry (e-mail:

Committee of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Research:
- Marisol Aymerich Soler
Dept. of Biochemistry and Genetics (e-mail:
- Pablo Sarobe Ugarriza
U.D. Internal Medicine (e-mail:
- Sergio Roa Gómez
Dept. of Biochemistry and Genetics (e-mail:

Commission of the Master's Degree in Computational Methods in Science:
-Ángel Garcimartín Montero
Dept. Physics and Applied Mathematics (
- Mikel Hernáez Arrazola
research center Applied Medicine (CIMA)(
- David Galicia Paredes
Dept. Environmental Biology (

Programs of doctorate:
- Natural and Applied Sciences - Director: Wenceslao González Viñas
Dept. Physics and Applied Mathematics (e-mail:
- Applied Medicine and Biomedicine - Director: Ana Patiño
UD Hematology (e-mail:

Other commissions

International Commission:

  • Mª Ujué Moreno Zulategui
    Area of Cardiovascular Diseases (CIMA) (e-mail:

  • Daniel Plano Amatriain
    Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology and Chemistry(e-mail:

Internal Communications Committee:

  • Carlos Huesa Berral
    Dept. of Physics and Applied Mathematics (e-mail:

  • Fermín Milagro Yoldi
    Dept. of Food Science and Physiology (e-mail:

  • Estíbaliz Alegre Martínez
    Dept. of Biochemistry and Genetics (e-ail:



Satisfaction results



Official documentation

Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.

Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:

registration in the Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications
current degree scroll report (04/02/2019) (.pdf)
final assessment report for verification (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (16/04/2009) (.pdf)
Resolution verifies committee of Universities (28/05/2009) (.pdf)
agreement with the committee of Ministers that establishes the official character of the degree scroll (.pdf)
Publication of the Study program in the BOE (02/03/2019) (.pdf)
report Modifica (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (01/08/2014) (.pdf)
report Modifica (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (04/02/2019) (.pdf)
report Monitor (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (20/09/2012) (.pdf)
report Monitor (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (01/03/2015) (.pdf)
accreditation report (20/01/2017) (.pdf)
Resolution of the renewal accreditation of the Universities committee (24/03/2017) (.pdf)
Acredita self-assessment report (2022) (.pdf)
accreditation report (14/03/2023) (.pdf)

Official degrees such as this one have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that includes all the planning professor and the most relevant aspects of the degree.

Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:

Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications of the Study program
currentreport of the degree scroll (02/02/2015) (.pdf)
agreement with the committee of Ministers that establishes the official character of the degree scroll (.pdf)
Publication of the Study program in the BOE (24/06/2015) (.pdf)
definitivereport National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation al Modifica (03/12/2014) (.pdf)
report Monitor (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (20/09/2012) (.pdf)
report Monitor (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (01/03/2015) (.pdf)
accreditation report (20/01/2017) (.pdf)
Resolution of the renewal accreditation of the Universities committee (24/03/2017) (.pdf)
Acredita self-assessment report (2022) (.pdf)
accreditation report (14/03/2023) (.pdf)

Official degrees such as this one have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that includes all the planning professor and the most relevant aspects of the degree.

Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:

Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications of the Study program (04/02/2009)
currentreport of the degree scroll (14/11/2017) (.pdf)
Resolution verifying the committee of Universities (18/06/2009) (.pdf)
agreement with the committee of Ministers that establishes the official character of the degree scroll (.pdf)
Publication of the Study program in the BOE (24/06/2015) (.pdf)
report Monitor (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (20/09/2012) (.pdf)
report Monitor (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (01/03/2015) (.pdf)
accreditation report (20/01/2017) (.pdf)
Resolution of the renewal accreditation of the Universities committee (24/03/2017) (.pdf)
Acredita self-assessment report (2022) (.pdf)
accreditation report (14/03/2023) (.pdf)

Official degrees such as this one have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that includes all the planning professor and the most relevant aspects of the degree.

Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:

registration in the Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications
current degree scroll report (19/12/2017) (.pdf)
final assessment report for verification (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (02/12/2013) (.pdf)
Resolution verifies committee of Universities (28/02/2014)
Publication of the Study program in the BOE (02/06/2014) (.pdf)
report Monitor (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (04/01/2018) (.pdf)
report Modifies (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (07/03/2018) (.pdf)
accreditation report (27/11/2019) (.pdf)

Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.

Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes can be found at the following links:

- report in force from degree scroll
- Study program BOE (17/09/2020)
- report of assessment verification issued by National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (04/02/2020)

Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.

Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:

Date Process


Renewal of degree accreditation March 2019


Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications of the Study program


Publication of Study program of the BOE


report of Self-Assessment Acredita


report current title


report for approval of modification of the title


Renewal of Accreditation of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Research by the committee of universities.


report final Acredita


report for approval of modification of the title


Verification resolution by committee of universities


report Monitor


agreement committee of Ministers


report final assessment for verification


Campus University
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00


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→ The processing of the information received is completely confidential.
→ Only those data provided by users of the suggestion box that are respectful, truthful, accurate, complete and up to date will be taken into account.
→ The manager of supervising the mailbox forwards the suggestions, claims, complaints and congratulations received to the manager of each process (according to annex 3 of PE1).
→ The manager of each process responds to the Username to the sender's email address and also assesses the inclusion of the complaint or suggestion in the corresponding results analysis report .