Foto principal - Procesos de Mejora

Improvement Processes

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Frase de Procesos de mejora

One of the main objectives of the Planning and Improvement Service of the teaching of the University of Navarra is promote a culture of quality among the members of the university community for the continuous improvement of the teaching university.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Comisión de Garantía de Calidad, Título y presentación

Quality Assurance Committee

The Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) is the body delegated by the Center's board of Directors for the development of the processes in accordance with the requirements of the Internal Quality Assurance System. The QAQC is composed of at least The Associate Dean or Deputy Director appointed by the center, the center's quality coordinator, a member of the Planning and teaching Improvement Service of the University of Navarra, a representative of the faculty of the center, a representative of the student body, a representative of the PAS (who will act as secretary and a representative of employers and graduates).

Enlaces Webs Asignatura_7_banner_Z

Quality Websites of University Centers

Download PDF

Banner_Política General de Calidad de la Universidad

General Quality Policy of the University of Navarra

Download PDF

Manual de Calidades y Procesos Título

guide Quality and Processes

Aplicaciones anidadas

Procesos de mejora_Banner_Manual SAIC

guide SAIC (January 2025)

Access to guide

Banner_Mapa de procesos

Process Map (January 2025)

enquiry the map

Composición CECA_TextoLibreSinTitulo

The Quality Commission assessment and accreditation (CECA) is the representative body of the centers and Office of the Executive Council.


  • Vice President/a from Office of Academic Affairs............................................................................................................ President

  • Vice President de faculty ........................................................................................................................Vice president/a

  • Director of the Planning and Improvement Service teaching ...........................................................Secretary

  • Associate Dean/a Deputy Director/a designated by each center ............................................................................................ board member

  • Representative of student body..............................................................................................................................................board member

  • faculty board member

  • Representative of staff administration and services (PAS) .................................................................................board member

  • Employer and alumni representative...................................................................................................................boardboard member

The quality coordinators of the centers may also attend , with voice, but without vote in the decisions of the Commission.


  • Approval and revision of the Quality Policy of the University of Navarra.

  • Review of the improvement plans and quality objectives of the centers. 

  • Approval of SAIC reference letter documentation The ECSC shall meet at least once a year and whenever convened by the chairman.

In order for the resolutions adopted by this committee to be valid, at least the following must be present: a Vice President, a manager of the teaching Planning and Improvement Service and half of the other members.

The ECSC adopts its resolutions by simple majority and the chairman's vote decides any ties. Each meeting is certificate by the secretary.

conference proceedings of the Commission for Quality assessment and accreditation (CECA):

certificate Ordinary 16/01/2025

certificate Extraordinary 11/04/2024

certificate Ordinary 11/23/2023

certificate Ordinary 11/23/2022

Indicadores y resultados_general_desplegable

Indicators and results

issue of official degrees: 91

Center improvement plans approved by center boards of directors: 1018

issue of verifications: 4

issue of modifications: 13

issue of accreditations: 15

overall satisfaction average of the student body with the degree scroll UN: 3.89 / 5

overall faculty satisfaction average with degree scroll UN: 4.12 / 5

average Degree of satisfaction of the student body with the faculty UN: 4.23 / 5

Media de porcentaje de asignaturas evaluadas con una media <3,5 en el ítem 1 UN: 15.35%

average of the percentage of doctoral students approved in the follow-up process: 91.91%.

issue of thesis defended: 146

average performance rate UN: 94.68%.

average success rate UN: 96.16%.

average assessment rate UN : 98.46%.

Aplicaciones anidadas

¿En qué podemos ayudarte? Haz un parte

How can we help you?


¿Alguna mejora? Déjanos un mensaje en el buzón de sugerencias

Any improvement? Leave us a message in the suggestion box
