Texto Premios Innova


The Innova Awards are a award that the Planning and Improvement Service of teaching awards annually to the best innovation projects professor carried out at the University of Navarra. 

From the academic year 09/10 to 22/23, the University of Navarra has carried out more than 900 innovation projects professor. Of the 73 projects that were developed in the 22/23 academic year, 9 initiatives nominated for the Innova Awards were selected. A jury subsequently designated the 3 winning projects according to three categories: disruptive innovation, innovation transfer and collaborative innovation.

Boton_Premios Innova



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Raquel Cascales and Rosa Fernández, winners of the best disruptive project .

Raquel Cascales and Rosa Fernández,were awarded for their project "teaching cooperative : dialogue at classroom". project created to restructure the subject Theory of the Arts, applying an innovative teaching based on the teaching cooperative and dialogic.



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Foto Ganadoras Premio Colaborativo

Ganadores premio Colaborativo

Hildegart González and Mónica Arias received the second prize award.

Hildegart González and Mónica Arias, received the award for the collaborative project "Nurse managers in the 21st century: a teaching focused on the development integral of their competences". project Nerea Elizondo, María José Hernández and María Cortés Carrasco also participated in the project. This project intended to redesign the subjects management health-Health Management and management Health and Legislation II, was already modified and went from a subject of 6 ECTS credit. to one of 3 ECTS credit.



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Ganadora Premio Transferencia

Ganadora Premio Transferencia (Texto)

María José Gallucci wins the award for the best transfer project .

Maria José Gallucci, accompanied by the tutors who are part of the"Writing Center", went up to collect her trophy for the project innovation professor "Writing and Sustainability". In it, a financial aid was held for students of Degree and Master's Degree who need to improve their writing skill . This project, is directly related to teaching 360 as a strategic line for the learning of student; in particular, with the need to train students with "depth of thought, critical spirit and international perspective.

TITULO_Ganador del publico


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Ganador del público


María Isabel Rodríguez Tejedo won the award Audience Favorite Award.

As in the last edition, a face-to-face vote was held during the submission to choose the award for the audience's favorite. This year, María Isabel Rodríguez Tejedo, with her project "International work groups to facilitate a reflective perspective on the role of business for a more sustainable world", in which she facilitated students to participate in a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) experience, won the award. 

Espacio en blanco

Desplegable_Premios Innova

History of Nominations and Winners

Best Disruptive project


  1. Bringing the concept of poverty closer to classroom through online games. 

  2. Comparison of real patients with standardized patients on the teaching of Degree in Medicine. 

  3. development of the service-learning methodology through a virtual environment. 

The award for the best disruptive project was awarded to the initiative "Bringing the concept of poverty closer to classroom through online games", directed by the School professor of Economics Isabel Rodríguez Tejedo.

Best project Collaborative


  1. Integration of the conceptual framework of the School of Nursing in the subjects of Degree of the department of Nursing Care for Adult Patients

  2. Active vs passive learning: improving the learning of processes linked to the environmental management through simulations of real cases.

  3. research on historical references: a internship shared by Architecture students from the University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain) and UNCuyo (Mendoza, Argentina). Navarra (Pamplona) and UNCuyo (Mendoza, Argentina).

The award for the best collaborative project went to "research on historical references: a internship shared by Architecture students from the University of Navarra (Pamplona) and the UNCuyo (Mendoza, Argentina)", directed by María Angélica Rodríguez.

Best project Transfer


  1. Creation of a new dynamic in the internship of laboratory that allows students to better visualize processes.

  2. Writing Center: academic literacy in digital (with) texts

  3. training Integral in Covid19

Finally, "training Integral en Covid19", directed by doctors Leire Arbea, José Luis del Pozo and Jorge Quiroga Vila, won the award for the best transfer project .


Best Disruptive project


  1. design curriculum implementation and of virtual reality in the nursing assessment

  2. development of the subject Graphic books and illustration: image and word in the humanistic disciplines

  3. Supporting students in EMI: Creating Resources

The award for the best disruptive project was awarded to the initiative "Virtual Reality in Nursing".designimplementation and assessment of virtual reality in the nursing curriculum ", led by the professor of the School of Nursing, Virginia La Rosa.

 Best project Collaborative


  1. Curriculum mapping to promote integrated learning in a Service-Learning project carried out in two subjects of the Degrees de Education

  2. What really happened at Chernobyl? Implications and consequences

  3. The integration of journalistic formats in the elaboration of news reports.

The award for the best disruptive project was awarded to the initiative "The integration of journalistic formats in the production of news reports".The integration of journalistic formats in the elaboration of news reports.", directed by Pilar Martínez-Costa, professor at School de Comunicación.


Best project Transfer


  1. Ultrasound learning in second year students of the integrated medical curriculum.

  2. Care and Society, a new subject for a caring campus

  3. Youth identities and language in social networks

The award for the best disruptive project was awarded to the initiative "Care and Society, a new subject for a caring campus " project , an inter-faculty and interdisciplinary , coordinated by the project Atlantes of the high school of Culture and Society, together with the high school Core Curriculumwhich has been coordinated by Ana Carvajal, professor at School de Enfermería.

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