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TÍTULO - Proyectos de Innovación Docente


PID_Carrusel avisos_Abierto Plazo Memorias PID

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Aplicaciones anidadas

Proyectos de Innovación Docente

Since the academic year 2009-2010 the Planning and Improvement Service of the teaching opens an annual call for the presentation of new innovation projects professor. On the occasion of its 15th anniversary, this report has been prepared to analyze the projects implemented in recent years.


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Aplicaciones anidadas

Presentar solicitud PID

How to submit a application?


instructions Innovation Projects professor
instructions Innovation Projects professor

Cómo presentar una solicitud: Explicación y Vídeo

For apply for a project please refer to instructions of the call for proposals. The application will be delivered through this form attaching the corresponding annex: 

BOTÓN - Requisitos y buenas prácticas

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Aplicaciones anidadas

Título Memorias PID


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Carrusel memorias

BOTÓN - Formulario Memorias


To certify a project you must fill in the following form form and attach the report annex duly completed. If you are interested in disseminating and publishing the results, we provide you with this guide from the Library Service that offers more detailed information. You also have available a template to disseminate it through the Institutional archive of the University of Navarra, Dadun.

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Aplicaciones anidadas



         Each year, during the Innova Forum, awards are given to the three best

         innovation projects professor.

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Aplicaciones anidadas

¿En qué podemos ayudarte? Haz un parte

How can we help you?


¿Alguna mejora? Déjanos un mensaje en el buzón de sugerencias

Any improvement? Leave us a message in the suggestion box
