Memorias PID School de Philosophy y Letras
Care and Society, a new subject for a caring campus
assessment dynamics in ILCE's ELE classes
Youth identities and language in social networks
Breaking stereotypes: conversations with Sofonisba, Lavinia, Artemisia, Clara, etc.
PROESCRITURA proposal collaborative learning didactics of the Writing Center
development from subject Graphic books and illustration image and word in humanistic disciplines
Portal Humanities digital resource web site for historians
Writing Center academic literacy in (with)digital texts
Digitalia registers new tools for teaching in Roman Epigraphy
Youth identities and language in social networks
History from the present. Political and media uses of the past
Cultural landscapes. A case study
Digital historical atlas of Spanish cities
Discovering and constructing the historical account of a subject by the students
Experiential learning and intercultural awareness
Project-based learning (Philosophy)
The medieval scriptorium in the university teaching