Objectives and competences
The specific objectives of the programme are:
To provide researchers with a training that enables them to analyse and identify in depth the reasons and causes of the processes and events they study.
To provide researchers with the tools and methods required to analyse the processes that made them possible, taking into account the aesthetic trends and technical advances, as well as the economic and social events that fuelled the changes and progress of this century.
To provide PhD student with a training on methodology from research.
Train them for the design and the implementation of research projects.
train to PhD student for research aimed at identifying new teaching procedures in which the advantages and reasons for success discovered in the historical processes studied can be applied.
train to PhD student for the preparation of texts and programs of study that allow the knowledge dissemination and knowledge for the general public of Spanish architecture of the 20th century, for the benefit of society as a whole and the improvement of today's architecture.
agreement The doctoral program in History and Critical Analysis of 20th Century Spanish Architecture, in accordance with the provisions of article 5 of Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28 January (BOE of 10 February 2011), guarantees the acquisition by PhD student of the following competences.
Programme in extinction
Applications are not accepted for the 2020/21 academic year, interested parties should contact doctoradoarq@unav.esfrom the new doctoral program in Architecture.
mmediavilla@unav.esCampus university
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00
Ext. 802729