Investigación - Texto líneas de investigación


Line of research: Theory and Criticism of Spanish Architecture of the 20th Century

groupTheory and Criticism of Spanish Architecture in the 20th Century

Its main line of research , as its name indicates, is the study of modern and contemporary Spanish architecture in all its variety and covers such disparate issues as architectural production itself; its relationship with the architecture of other countries, analysing connections and lines of influence, with special attention to Latin America; the development of Spanish cities and the urban issues raised; the relationship of architecture with other artistic disciplines; the evolution of learning systems in Spanish schools or the history of architectural criticism in Spain throughout the 20th century.

Research experience of staff linked to the programme

Investigación - Texto de resultados e indicadores

Común - Banner lateral de aviso extinción del doctorado

Programme in extinction

Applications are not accepted for the 2020/21 academic year, interested parties should contact doctoradoarq@unav.esfrom the new doctoral program in Architecture.

Escuela de Doctorado - Banner

of doctorate

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Campus university

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00

Ext. 802729
