PhD dissertations
The PhD student must prepare an original work of research to be defended before a court. In order to obtain the doctoral degree degree scroll , this work must be published, at least in its substantial part ( School facilitates the fulfilment of this requirement through the possibility of publishing an extract of the doctoral dissertation in Cuadernos Doctorales, with the agreement of the examining board).
Regarding the formal aspects for the submission of the doctoral dissertation, the following indications should be followed:
Once the PhD student and the director consider the essay of the thesis completed, the student will submit, via the director of the work, a copy of the thesis for final advice. This submission can be done at any time of the academic year. The teacher advisor has a deadline of twenty days from the date of submission of the copy to advisor to communicate his or her observations.
When the final text is available, once these observations have been received and studied, the student must submit a written request at administrative office requesting the Admissions Office defence of the thesis (you can download here). In turn, the director of the thesis will send the scanned written request, together with the thesis in pdf format, to the administrative office of the School ( and to the School of doctorate of the University(, for its public exhibition during 15 working days.
Once the deadline has elapsed, the student will deliver to the administrative office of the School five paper copies - spiral bound - signed by the director of the work (cfr. Formal aspects for the presentation of the thesis doctoral thesis).
After submission at administrative office of the copies of the thesis , PhD student will be informed in writing of the date, time and place of the defence of the thesis . The student will then proceed to pay the established fees. The defence of the thesis of doctorate will take place in a public session before a panel of five professors.
The student/a will also enter in the portal miUNAV - with the partnership of the administrative office ( the UNESCO codes and a summary in Spanish and one in English of the content of the thesis not exceeding 250 words each, including the degree scroll of the thesis and three words core topic.
deadline The thesis submitted for assessment after 1 April will be defended from September onwards, as an approximate period of one month is required for the assessment procedures, and two months for the public exhibition and reading of the thesis by the members of the panel.
In order to obtain the degree scroll of Doctor(Doctor renuntiatus), once the corresponding Degree has been obtained, the publication of the thesis , in whole or in part, is required.
In the following links, you can find download the rules for the publication of the doctoral dissertation and the awarding of the doctoral degree:
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