June 5 to 7, 2023 |
classroom Siemens Gamesa ICS building at the University of Navarra |
Virginia Gracia |
The high school of Science of data and Artificial Intelligence (DATAI) of the University of Navarra organizes the VI congress Young Scientist in design of Experiments and Science of data (JEDE 6) together with the III DATAI Scientific conference , to be held on June 5, 6 and 7, 2023 in Pamplona (University of Navarra).
The Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DATAI) of the University of Navarra organizes the "VI Young Scientist Conference on Design of Experiments and Data Science" (JEDE 6)" together with the III DATAI Scientific conference, to be held on June 5, 6 and 7, 2023 in Pamplona (University of Navarra).
The five previous JEDE meetings took place in Toledo in 2010, San Cristobal de la Laguna in 2012, Pamplona in 2014, Salamanca in 2017 and Almeria in 2021. It was attended by young Spanish and foreign researchers, many of them from Latin America.
The maingoal of this congress is the exchange of knowledge and experiences between young researchers in design of experiments and science of data of Spanish universities and professionals of these areas of knowledge through the active participation in a meeting specially addressed to them. The presentations will take place in a relaxed and receptive atmosphere, with the presence of national and international experts who will motivate the scientific discussion .
Dr. Valerii V. Fedorov
Independent consultant involved in developing methods of optimal design of pharmaceutical research working.
Best intention designs in dose-finding studies
(download presentation )
Dr. Hugo Maruri-Aguilar
Lecturer in Statistics Queen Mary, University of London
Analysis of complex experiments
(download presentation )
Dr. Mª Ángeles Gil Álvarez
Professor of Statistics and Operations research at the University of Oviedo.
Analysis of questionnaires with imprecise scale.
(download presentation)
Rubén Armañanzas (Chairman)
Raúl Martín Martín (UCLM)
Roberto Dorta (ULL)
José A. Moler (UPNA)
Camelia Trandafir (UPNA)
Juan Manuel Rodríguez (USAL)
Isabel Ortiz (UAL)
Alberto García
Álvaro Cía
Jose Luis Poveda
Juan Carlos Gamero
Carlos de la Calle
Edgar Benitez
Eduardo Iribas
Elena Martín
Horacio Grass
Ivan Cordón
Leandro Gonzalez
Mabel Morales
Marcos Lopez
Montserrat Miranda
Pablo Urruchi
Rocio Santos
Stella Salvatierra
Virginia Gracia
Scientific Committee
Amparo Alonso Betanzos
Former president of AEPIA (Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence)
University of A Coruña
Enrique del Castillo
Distinguished Professor of Industrial Engineering and Professor of Statistics
The Pennsylvania State University
Nuria Oliver
DirectorData Scientist
Data Pop Alliance
John Stufken
Department of Statistics
George Mason University
Trevor Hastie
Professor, Department of Statistics and Department of Biomedical Data Science
Stanford University
Chiara Tommasi
Universita degli Studi di Milano
Jesús López Fidalgo (Chairman)
Director of DATAI
Monday, June 5th
09:00 |
Apply |
09:30 |
Opening |
10:00 |
lecture Plenaria Valerii V. Fedorov: Best intention designs in dose-finding studies |
11:00 |
Rest |
11:30 |
Session I - Artificial Intelligence and Applications |
13:30 |
Food |
15:00 |
Session II - Uncertainty Quantification |
16:20 |
Flash Talks - Optimal Design of Experiments |
16:45 |
Rest |
17:15 |
Session III - Optimization |
19:00 |
Reception at Central Building |
Tuesday, June 6th
09:30 |
Session IV - Optimal design of Experiments |
11:00 |
Rest |
11:30 |
lecture Plenary Hugo Maruri-Aguilar: Analysis of complex experiments |
12:30 |
Session V - Social Sciences |
13:10 |
Food |
15:00 |
Session VI - Healthcare |
16:40 |
Flash Talks - AI & Healthcare |
17:00 |
Rest |
19:00 |
visit guided Pamplona |
21:00 |
Gala dinner |
Wednesday, June 7th
10:00 |
Session VII - Design of Experiments |
11:00 |
Rest |
11:30 |
lecture plenary session Mª Ángeles Gil Álvarez: Analysis of questionnaires with imprecise scales |
12:30 |
Session VIII - Longitudinals studies |
13:10 |
Closure |
If you are interested in participating or attend at congress, you can make the registration until May 15, 2023, by filling out the form below.
The registration will be effective upon payment of the registration fee through the payment gateway below.
Fees from registration:
Reduced: Until March 31: 175€.
Normal: Until May 15: 275€.
If you are interested in attend, with or without scientific contribution, these are the deadlines core topic:
deadline from application scholarship for young people: until March 20, 2023.
deadline The following is a list of the papers to be submitted for the Young Researchers' Awards:
until March 20, 2023. The deadline is extended until March 31, 2023.
Submission of abstracts: until April 30, 2023
registrationuntil May 15, 2023
Celebration of the congress: June 5, 6 and 7, 2023
This congress encourages the attendance and participation of young people. For this reason, a call for scholarship applications is launched for those who do not have an alternative means of financing, for example, through projects of research of their directors of thesis or of their organizations of origin. agreement We do not propose a reduced fee for young people, but rather the opportunity to apply for a scholarship, which will be granted in a greater or lesser amount according to the justification of their particular status .
Young people under 35 years of age are eligible for these scholarships. The maximum financial aid will consist of the exemption of the fee of registration to congress, the accommodation and the trip.
The applicant of the scholarship should provide:
A document signed by your director or director certifying your status.
A letter of motivation explaining the need to apply for the scholarship due to lack of alternative financing with an approximate cost estimate budget .
Photocopy of the National Identity Card or other means of proof that you are of the age established to be able to apply for the scholarship.
To apply for a scholarship it is necessary to register at congress and without making the payment, check the box application of scholarship. The indicated documents will then be sent to jede6@unav.es.
The deadline of application of scholarship ends on March 20, 2023. The committee organizer will try to attend each status as much as possible by responding before the end of the deadline of enrollment reduced.
Youth awards
2 prizes are called for the best oral communications presented by candidates in the sessions of the VI Young Scientist Conference on Design of Experimentsand Data Science (JEDE 6), on the topic of design statistical of experiments or Science of data. Presentations and extended abstracts will be in English.
The goal of these awards is to encourage the research in the formative stage.
The deadline for submitting entries for the awards is March 20, 2023. The deadline is extended to March 31, 2023.
The awards are aimed at young people in training predoctoral or recently obtained doctorates. To be eligible for the awards, participants must meet the following requirements:
Proof of researcher status or researcher at training.
In the case of having the doctorate no more than 2 years must have passed since the defense of your thesis .
Maximum age: 35 years old on the date of deadline for the submission of works set out in these instructions, with the possibility of an extension of a few months at apply for .
Each participant may only submit a single work which must be framed within the theme of the congress: design of Experiments and Science of data.
Nearby hotels:
→ Hotel Blanca de Navarra ****
Pío XII Avenue, 43
10 minutes walk from the University of Navarra.
Web: https://www.hotelblancadenavarra.com/
→ Hotel Sancho Ramírez ***
Sancho Ramirez Street, 11
15 minutes walk from the University of Navarra.
contact and reservations: https://www.hotelsanchoramirez.com
→ Hotel Albret ****
Ermitagaña Street, 3
15 minutes walk from the University of Navarra.
Web: https://www.hotelalbret.com/
residency program:
high school Mayor Larraona (visit virtual).
Most economical option. Indicate in the reservation that it is for the congress "JEDE 6" and the dates of the reservation.
Avda. Pío XII, 45. 10 minutes walk from the University of Navarra:
Single rooms with private bathroom.
Two options:
1. accommodation + breakfast: 44 € per night.
2. average board: accommodation + breakfast + dinner: 54 € per night.
Reservations: albergueresidencia@larraona.org
Phone: (+34) 948 250 400

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Flash Talks:
A Flash Talk is a presentation of an idea or work from research in a very short time to capture the attention of an audience that may not be experts in that field from work. In JEDE 6, flash talks may last no longer than 5 minutes and only a maximum of two slides are allowed.
This is a link to tips on how to prepare Flash Talks.
Please note the following information:
Each exhibition will have a maximum duration of 5 minutes.
Maximum of 2 slides.
The slides must be in English.
The presentation will be preferably in English, but may also be made at Spanish.
The format of the presentation should be in pdf format, without videos or audios.
Computer is not supported staff.
The presentation should be sent to jede6@unav.es by Wednesday, May 31.
presentation oral:
Please note the following information:
Each oral presentation will be 20 minutes (15 min. of exhibition and 5 min. of questions and answers).
Slides must be in English.
Presentations should preferably be made in English, and may be made at Spanish.
The format of the presentation should be pdf, without videos or audios.
Computer is not supported staff.
The presentation should be sent to jede6@unav.es to
s on Wednesday, May 31.