DATAI collaborates assiduously with different groups of research, university centres, companies and other institutions. Its transversal nature as well as the multidisciplinarity team of researchers and experts in data science data, statistics and artificial intelligence allow us to work on data projects of high analytical complexity and add value in each of its phases.
Internal collaborations
The work requested from high school, whether by a group or department of the University of Navarra, by a group of research of other universities or centres, or by a business or a public or private institution, must be remunerated in relation to the effort, dedication and professional category of the people from high school involved. The following information is intended to clearly distinguish how we understand the difference between partnership and consultancy.
The high school may carry out scientificpartnership work between its members and researchers from other groups of research, both from the university and from outside. In these cases the partnership carries with it a significant scientific work and therefore the members of high school who participate in this partnership will be co-authors of the publications generated. If applicable, they will be part of the research projects funded by competitive calls, contracts and other subject calls. In these cases, they will be listed as an additional researcher of group. In any case, the projects to be submitted or contracts to be signed must include this partnership and must include an item agreed with the high school for the financing of this work.
partnership statistics in a doctoral thesis .
Statistical collaboration on scientific manuscripts to be submitted for publication. It is desirable that collaboration begins before data collection.
Active participation in the application of a project of research. In this case, the person(s) providing support will be included in the project team or at least budgeted for partnership, which is not reduced to the essay of the report.
The high school will also provide advice or support for ad hoc work where such support cannot be considered as a significant scientific contribution to the work. This will occur either because it is not a work of research, but a mere service, or because such support does not have the magnitude of a scientific contribution. In this case one or more persons will spend work time which has to be paid to high school. Therefore, the project will have to have an approximate budget for the time expected to be invested. In cases where this subject service or consultancy ends up in a relevant scientific partnership , the inclusion of the signature of the researchers who have performed the service in the derived articles will be agreed.
In the course of a work you need to know whether a certain statistical procedure can be applied or not on a specific status .
Basic statistical review of scientific manuscripts prior to submission for publication.
You know the statistical procedure to use, but you do not know how you can do it with a particular R package or a particular procedure of SPSS, STATA or SAS.
A study carried out by a service or unit of the university or another institution, e.g. a survey.
Companies and entities
DATAI's mission is to function as the engine of translational research and education in Big Data, data science and artificial intelligence by developing high-impact projects in industry. To achieve this, the Institute actively collaborates with industry partners across a broad spectrum to develop mutually beneficial interactions.
form application form
Strategic agreements
The University of Navarra and BBVA are strategic partners in the field of advanced analytics of data and artificial intelligence. For this reason, BBVA has entrusted the high school of Science of the data and Artificial Intelligence (DATAI) of the University of Navarra to train its employees, creating its owngroup in the official Master's Degree in Big Data Science, through the direction of industrial doctoratesthe professional certification in computer science data and the scientific partnership between bank employees and university researchers, among other joint actions of training, transfer and research. In addition, the rest of the students of the Master's Degree will be able to enter specific selection processes for internships or their work Master's Thesis with BBVA.

The University of Navarra and BBVA, strategic partners in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence