Juan Luis Arsuaga (Madrid, 1954) holds a PhD in Biological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, where he is Full Professor of Paleontology at School of Geological Sciences. He currently directs the Joint UCM-Carlos III Health Institute Center for Human Evolution and Behavior; is Director Scientist of the Museum of Human Evolution in Burgos; and co-directs the excavations of the Neanderthal sites of Pinilla del Valle (Madrid). Most of his scientific work at degree program has been carried out at the Atapuerca sites, project , which was awarded the award Príncipe de Asturias de research Scientific and Technical Award in 1997.
Dr. Arsuaga has received numerous awards and recognitions, including the award Castilla y León, award of the Community of Madrid, the Cross of Environmental Merit of Spain, award Antonio de Sancha of the association of Editors of Madrid, award COSCE for the Dissemination of Science, and award of Scientific Journalism Concha García Campoy of the TV Academy, among others.
Arsuaga is a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain and of the Royal Academies of Medicine of Zaragoza and Eastern Andalusia. He is also life vice-president of the Atapuerca Foundation, president of the Gadea Science Foundation and honorary doctor for the universities of Burgos, Polytechnic of Valencia and Zaragoza.
The paleontologist from Madrid is the author of a large issue of scientific publications, and author and partner of numerous books such as "La especie elegida", "El collar del neandertal", "Los aborígenes", "Al otro lado de la niebla", "Amalur. From the atom to the mind", "Mr. Darwin's watch", "The first journey of our life", "Brief history of the Earth with us inside", "The indelible seal", "Life. The great story", "Life as told by a sapien to a Neanderthal", "Death as told by a sapien to a Neanderthal" and "Our body".