The laboratory de Humanities Digitales is an interdisciplinary centre, created within the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra. Among its objectives is to carry out teaching and research tasks, and to be able to provide the university community and society as a whole with tools and knowledge in the field of digital culture, which will enable progress to be made in the cultivation and dissemination of the Humanities.
The main aims of the laboratory activity are the following:
To promote the training and the use of digital tools among researchers and students of the School of Philosophy and Letters.
Promote research at Humanities, through multidisciplinary projects using new technologies.
To increase the visibility and the media and social impact of the Humanities and, more specifically, of the activity of the School of Philosophy and Letters.
To improve the employability of future graduates.
lhd@unav.esIsmael Sánchez Bella Building
University of Navarra
Campus Universitario s/n
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 | Ext: 802312