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What is Artificial Intelligence?

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Artificial Intelligence is the discipline whose goal is the development of Intelligent Systems, taking Human Intelligence as a reference. Such intelligent systems will have the ability to sense, understand, act and learn in order to enhance and complement human capability.


Artificial Intelligence techniques based on learning from data have been around since the 1950s and are currently experiencing exponential growth based on the following factors:

  • Explosion in the availability of data or Big Data

  • Exponential growth in computing capacity: storing and processing such data at low cost.

  • Creation of complex models inspired by neural networks.

  • Democratisation of existing tools for using AI techniques.

The impact of Artificial Intelligence is transversal and can be applied in multiple sectors or areas of knowledge such as: health, logistics, education, production, finance, commerce, leisure, digital services, etc.

What does it mean for a system to be Intelligent? 

Intelligent Systems have the ability to FEEL, UNDERSTAND, ACT and LEARN to complement and enhance human capability .

  • Sentir: acquisition, storage, processing and management of large amounts of data - Big Data

  • Understanding: visualisation of data and the ability to recognise patterns-contexts from such data. 

  • Act: the system will act according to the result after understanding the data.  

  • Learning: after the result obtained, systems must have the ability to learn. Learning can be directed - machine learning - or autonomous - deep learning - imitating the human brain.

Intelligent Systems can automate processes, make the systems themselves learn and make the decisions made by the systems themselves faster and more accurate. 

Useful links 

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, of course. A guide of coexistence between humans and machines so that technology benefits us all. Nuria Oliver.

AI: BUILT TO SCALE. From experimental to exponential. Accenture.