The Master's Degree in Marriage and Family offers an integral vision of marriage and family from a multidisciplinary perspective, centered on the person, and integrating different areas of knowledge (such as medicine, anthropology, law or pedagogy) in order to address the family reality. This approach allows a deep and enriching understanding of the complexities of family dynamics.
It is a rigorous , yet flexible and personalised study programme that combines distance and face-to-face teaching methods, supported by new technologies.
The faculty of the Master's Degree in Marriage and Family is composed of professors from various Schools and Institutes of the University of Navarra: Philosophy and Letters, Sciences, Medicine, University Clinic, Law, Economics and Business, Theology, Canon Law, Institute of Anthropology and Ethics.
The Study program of the Master's Degree in Marriage and Family is organized combining the modalities of programs of study Distance (on-line) and Classroom Regime, and is developed over a year, with a total of 60 ETCS.
Studies are divided into four terms, with ordinary exams at the end of each term, and extraordinary exams in June.
The distance learning methodology, through the Internet, is developed on a proven educational platform, based on the concept of "classroom VIRTUAL"; that is, a virtual space in which the different groups that make up the Master's Degree interact: students, academic staff and staff of management. The study methodology is based on self-directed learning and collaborative learning under the guidance of the teacher.
The training proposal of the Virtual classroom is based on the use of information and communication management tools in order to create for each participant a study/learning environment adapted to their profile and their personal needs, where the barriers of space and time have disappeared.
It is possible to learn certain scientific, theoretical and practical contents on one's own, provided that good teaching materials, an appropriate methodology, and a system that allows, when necessary, a fluid relationship between the teacher and the student are used.
degree program: Master's Degree in Marriage and Family.
modality mixed-use: 57 ECTS credit on-line and 3 ECTS credit in person
Duration: 1 academic year (60 ECTS credit)
Aimed at: Undergraduates and University Graduates
Taught by professors from different Schools of the University of Navarra and coordinated by the School of Education and Psychology.
Taught since 2000
The Master's Degree in Marriage and Family is offered in two modalities of programs of study: distance (via Internet) and face-to-face.
The teaching through the Internet is developed on an educational platform educational platform based on the concept of classroom Virtual: virtual space in which the different groups that make up the Master's Degree (students, academic staff and staff of management) interact, using e-learning pedagogical techniques.
The online teaching is complemented by a set of seminars of work that are held in person and mandatory at the headquarters of the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
The periods of teaching (15 days during the month of June) offer student the possibility of:
To consolidate and deepen, through seminars, team work, case studies, etc., the knowledge acquired during the academic year.
Consolidate teacher-student relationships through work sessions and personal interviews.
Enjoy the atmosphere and services offered by their university, as well as the personal meeting with fellow students.
The Master's Degree in Marriage and Family does not only intend to create a virtual learning community. Its objectives, within the university framework in which it is located, go beyond that, aiming to create among its students an authentic sense of university promotion, not exclusively virtual.
The Master's Degree in Marriage and Family offers a comprehensive view of marriage and the family from the perspective of eight different scientific areas: Humanities Basics; Biomedicine; Psychology, Psychopathology and Family Therapy; Education; Social Sciences; Theology; Politics and Law; Communication and the Arts.
The faculty of the Master's Degree in Marriage and Family is composed of professors from various Schools and Institutes of the University of Navarra: Philosophy and Letters, Sciences, Medicine, University Clinic, Law, Economics and Business, Theology, Canon Law, Institute of Anthropology and Ethics.
The Master's Degree in Marriage and Family has students from more than 36 countries: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Ecuador, USA, El Salvador, Philippines, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Lithuania, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Switzerland, Uruguay, Venezuela.
To have an interdisciplinary vision of marriage and the family, fostering the capacity for synthesis, critical capacity and scientific rigour.
Possess information management and decision-making skills in marriage and family-related issues.
Applying knowledge in practice: analysis, diagnosis and resolution of family problems and conflicts.
To enhance research activities and the capacity to generate new ideas in the field of marriage and the family.
Search, select and manage the specialised bibliography on marriage and the family.
Manage the computer supports: online platform and other computer applications used in the master's degree.
Working in interdisciplinary teams with pupils from different cultures.
Designing and managing didactic projects and strategies.
To know the anthropological, philosophical, theological and ethical foundations of marriage and the family, discovering the harmonious articulation between sexuality, love, marriage and family.
To know the radical anthropological identities: filiation, paternity-maternity, fraternity, conjugality, meaning and structure of kinship and its cultural expressions.
Understand the bio-medical contribution to the understanding of sexual identity, the genesis of human life, conjugal relations and natural methods.
To know and understand the development of marriage and the family from the historical, sociological, economic, demographic and cultural dimensions.
To know the theological foundation and canonical expression of marriage in Church Law and its influence on the past, present and future configuration of Marriage and Family Law in civil society.
To understand in the light of natural law the foundations of marriage, its aims and its internal structure.
To know the theoretical and epistemological instructions of the educational and formative processes that take place in the family context.
To know the models, procedures and techniques partner-pedagogical and psychological for the evaluation, orientation and conjugal and family education.
To know the process of acquisition, conservation, development and reintegration of the psychological personality and its maturity in the order of affectivity and human love.
Educate and advise on the normal development of marital and family relationships throughout the various life cycles.
Prevent dysfunctions and evaluate conflicts at the first level of attendance, in order to redirect, if necessary, to the corresponding specialised professional.
To understand the legal dimension of marriage and the family and the specific rules and regulations that regulates the different branches of the legal system that affect both institutions.
To know the specific legal response to matrimonial conflict and its procedures.
To know the legal nature, objectives, scope and procedures of family mediation.
Analyse the assets that the family develops and that form part of the common good of society and identify the rights of the family as a social subject in order to ensure its legal protection.
To understand the need, in marriage and the family, for institutional aspects and their orientation towards the service of the person, assuming the participation of the family in the development of society.
Analyse social media (television, internet and social networks) and their impact on family relationships.
Design and develop a Master's thesis.
Resolve the search, analysis and synthesis of the information and/or resources necessary for the development of the work.
The University Master's Degree in Marriage and Family is aimed at professionals from the world of Law, Psychiatry, Psychology, Education, Family Mediation, Family Guidance, Family Therapy, attendance Social, Human Resources, Sociology, Theology, Media, etc., who need to acquire a deep and interdisciplinary knowledge on marriage and family, or who want to update their competences on topic in these professional fields.
The Master's Degree also provides suitable training for the management of civil organisations related to the broad and complex field of development of social initiatives and intervention in the field of the family.
Once completed and C the University Master's Degree in Marriage and Family, the student will be in possession of 120 credits ECTS credit of an Official Program of postgraduate program, so it will meet the conditions for apply for its Admissions Office in the programs of study of doctorate, as long as it complies with the requirements required in the doctoral program chosen.
The purpose of the Master's Degree in Marriage and Family is for students to acquire advanced interdisciplinary training, aimed at academic specialisation and promote initiation in research tasks, from agreement to the Master's level of the framework Spanish Qualifications for Higher Education (MECES) (BOE 03/08/2011, art. 7.1).
Given the characteristics of the online study methodology, the following material is available for each subject :
1. Guide of the subject: we find the necessary information to become familiar with the subject: the teacher, the presentation of the subject, the objectives, the study methodology, the programme, the bibliography, the evaluation system of the subject, etc. It could be said that the guide to an online subject is the equivalent of the first day of class in face-to-face teaching.
2. Base Text or guide: This is the text, the object of study, of each lesson. The student can find the content of the lessons in two versions:
a) guide edited, which the teacher has recommended as a basic bibliography for subject, and which student should have bought in a bookshop.
b) guide digitalised, which the student should download from the web.
3. Self-assessment exercises: This is a short questionnaire self-assessment exercise at the end of each lesson, which facilitates students' learning, i.e. makes them aware of the extent to which they have a clear understanding of the issues raised. The aim is to develop the ability of student to check their own learning. There are different types of questionnaires: with multiple-choice questions subject , true/false, closed questions, open questions, etc.).
4. Evaluation Tests: In general terms, each subject consists of a midterm examination and a final examination. In the study guide for subject, detailed information is given on the characteristics of the exams: the parts into which they are subdivided; subject of tests, number of questions, time available; limitation or not of exam papers; whether or not enquiry of material is allowed; and how each of the tests counts towards the overall grade.
On student you will find three types of exams: subject test (in its different versions), subject essay and short and open questions exam. All exams are on-line. They will be active for 24 hours: from 09.00 hs. of the dated day until 09.00 hs. of the following day. The reference time is the Spanish time zone schedule . Once you have chosen the time to take the exam, the student will have a limited time to take the exam.
5. The teaching Materials is complemented by the use of other on-line tools such as glossaries, faq, text commentaries, links to documents of interest, forums, etc.
The University Master's Degree in Marriage and Family is hosted on a computer platform of proven efficiency that has a set of online tools that enable distance learning characterised by a space/time separation between academic staff and student body, among which asynchronous two-way communication predominates, where the Internet is preferably used as a means of communication and distribution of knowledge, in such a way that the student is the centre of an independent and flexible training, having to manage his or her own learning. Communication and counselling with the teacher of each subject, is carried out through the platform's internal mail.