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The new Master's Degree in Marriage and Family: family intervention and research (60 ECTS credit) is an evolution of the Master's Degree in Marriage and Family (120 ECTS credit), a postgraduate program with more than 20 years of experience at the University of Navarra. It offers an interdisciplinary approach to marriage and family from various humanistic and experimental sciences and, since 2019, is integrated into the School of Education and Psychology. This new Master's Degree aims to emphasize a solid internship training focused on two core topic areas of socio-educational intervention: family Education and family mediation. Its goal is to prepare professionals to respond effectively and adequately to the demands of supporting families in the current context.

subject in online format

Internships: on-site

Two itineraries to choose from: Family Mediation (MF) - Education Family (EF)


module 1: Ecology of Marriage and Family (25 ECTS credit)

Anthropology of marriage and the family


Ethics and family culture


Society and family


Life cycles of the individual and the family


Family policy and social policies


Marriage and family law


Legal protection of marriage and the family


Education and family



module 2: Family Education and Family Mediation (26 ECTS credit)

Family crises and specific intervention contexts


Family mediationpathway MFpathway )


Family Guidance ( pathway MF and EF)


Education familiar: Education of the children ( pathway EF)


family research


Family Education : positive parentingpathway EF)


Professional ethics and deontology


design, management and assessment of family Education programs


Strategies and techniques for communication and family intervention


Family assessment methods and techniques



module 3: Internship and TFM (9 ECTS credit)

Internship Family Mediation


Family Education Practices




The Study program of the Master's Degree in Marriage and Family: intervention and family research (MMF) is organized combining the modalities of programs of study: on-line and face-to-face.

The online teaching is completed with a mandatory classroom period, which takes place at the end of each academic year (in the first half of June) at the headquarters of the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.

The regime of teaching , of attendance , is organized through the module "Presencial Interdisciplinary" with a total load of 3 professor ECTS credit .

Since the first edition of the Master's Degree (2000), the Interdisciplinary Classroom Module has sought to provide a space in which teachers and students can study in depth the issues under study in the different areas of knowledge of the MMF. The aim of the face-to-face programme is to cross the boundaries between subjects and disciplines, to unite theory and practice, academic and professional world, so that students are better prepared in their own working world and can better respond to social demands in a globalised world multidisciplinary .

In this way, we have managed to adapt this classroom teaching modality to make it a part of core topic for the fulfilment of the general objectives of the Master's, the loyalty of student and the intensification of the students' professional relations (intra and inter-promotions).

The Interdisciplinary Classroom is convened at the end of each academic year and is developed through a set of interdisciplinary seminars of applied research designed specifically for each course with the partnership the Master's Degree faculty and the resource to various methodologies: round tables, conferences, case studies, debates, etc. Through these resources, the aim is to foster the ability to communicate constructively in different social and cultural environments and to promote critical thinking and the ability to apply theory to particular cases.

The attendance to the "Interdisciplinary Presential" is mandatory and is subject to a daily control during the development of the presential ones.

The subject "Presencial Interdisciplinar" cannot be validated by work or any other academic activity different from the attendance staff to it.

The face-to-face programme is committed to the student, as the protagonist of their training, boosting their motivation and creativity, and encouraging the teamwork, so that all of this constitutes a truly significant academic experience.

The innovation and topicality of the subjects studied in the on-site course do not imply improvisation. They are coordinated by the MMF Management, with the presence and active participation of all the Master's subjects.

The contents of the different classroom teaching activities are designed each year according to the following criteria:

a) questions of goal interest arising in the development of the on-line courses, or proposed by the students

b) topical and impactful issues related to the subjects of the Master's programme

c) topics agreed upon by the Management and the various areas of the Master's programme

(d) the time requirements of each activity.

The Master's Management puts special emphasis on the appropriate distribution of time for each of the proposed activities and their thematic sequence, so that the classroom programme is not only orderly but also, and especially, coherent and agile in its thematic sequences.

IN CONCLUSION, the aim of the face-to-face programme is to cross the boundaries between subjects and disciplines, to unite theory and practice, academic and professional worlds, so that students are better prepared in their own working world and can better respond to social demands in a globalised world multidisciplinary .

Through attendance, the aim is also to offer an academic time and space to foster a real sense of university promotion among students, to deepen and consolidate professor-student relationships, to intensify students' personal and professional relationships and finally, and very importantly, to enjoy the academic environment, the facilities and other services offered by the University of Navarra, of which they are students.