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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Trinidad Puente


Trinidad Puente

"My husband and I took the Master's course together. Thanks to the Master's degree, we have been able to open a family and marriage counselling office. On many occasions the problems and difficulties that can arise are derived from normal problems of coexistence and communication".

Daniel Danta


Daniel Danta

"On a professional level, it has not only helped me to grow, but also to give deeper meaning to my personal dealings with my adolescent students and their families. I now have enough competences and skills to give a better response to families and students".

Aplicaciones anidadas

Vanessa Quiroz


Vanessa Quiroz

"It has opened up opportunities for me work. I have structured the family department of a high school and now I am involved in marriage and family counselling by giving consultancy service".

Rita Rebordâo


Rita Rebordâo

"The input has been of enormous importance. In the Psychology Clinic it has helped me a lot to do real family coaching. In the classes I give, it has helped me to be closer to young people and to know how to work with a language that is closer and more precise to them and their families".

Aplicaciones anidadas

Mª Eugenia Pons


Mª Eugenia Pons

"After the Master's degree I created a new business, in addition to continuing with my family law practice. The business OpenUp Barcelona is dedicated to mediation and coaching. If I had to sum up the contribution of the Master's degree, it is "training" that enables me to intervene in family issues".

María Cornú


María Cornú

"As a lawyer, the MMF has given me a lot of tools, a lot of content and foundations to be able to develop solid arguments and be more confident when facing my professional activity".

Aplicaciones anidadas

Mariel Sarai Martínez


Mariel Sarai Martínez

"On a professional level it has opened many doors for me, and on a personal level it has made me grow".

Maureen Coto


Maureen Coto
Costa Rica

"An excellent opportunity to serve people and organisations, with a highly professional and interdisciplinary approach ".

Aplicaciones anidadas
