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Aplicaciones anidadas





Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Postbiotics against obesity and metabolic syndrome. clinical assessment and mechanisms of action involved.

Funding Entity: department of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation; Service of research and development; Government of Navarra.

principalresearcher : The consortium is led by the research center in Nutrition (PI, Paula Aranaz) and counts with the partnership CNTA (co-IP, Lorena Valdés Varela).

reference letter: PC24-PARABIOTICS-2-007-006.



This project aims to evaluate, by means of a nutritional intervention essay , the efficacy of bacterial postbiotics capable of improving obesity-related parameters such as excess weight, adiposity, insulin resistance or inflammation. These postbiotics, previously evaluated in rodents with positive results, could be used by the nutraceutical and/or food industry for their incorporation as functional ingredients. In addition, Parabiotics-2 aims to identify and characterize the cellular components (proteins, lipids, polysaccharides) responsible for such activity through metabolomics, lipidomics and proteomics programs of study , as well as to determine the molecular mechanisms involved in these activities.