Aplicaciones anidadas





Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Comprehensive intervention for dietary habit change based on ration control: Optimization plus technological validation and clinical essay .

Funding Entity: department of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation; Service of research and development; Government of Navarra.

principalresearcher : The consortium is led by the research center in Nutrition (PI, Eva Almirón) and has the partnership of the Public University of Navarra (co-IP, Arantxa Villanueva).

reference letter: PC24-PORTIONS-V-007-002.



The PORTIONS-V project goal to explore the impact of the prolonged use of a set of theoretical-practical strategies on per diem expenses and general health status of the adult population with overweight and obesity. For this purpose, a randomized controlled clinical essay with 180 participants and mechanistic programs of study on the performance of a comprehensive weight loss program focused on portion control will be carried out. The intervention components have been developed specifically for obesity patient support based on four preceding projects (PORTIONS-1 to 4, 2018-2024) and include educational guides, optimized dietary tools, and technologies to facilitate self-management of health. PORTIONS-V will also examine changes in the gut microbiome and in the activation of neural networks involved in feeding and sensations of pleasure when eating, to better characterize the role of the gut-brain axis, the regulatory center of appetite, in weight loss.

In addition, PORTIONS-V will validate a prototype remote eye-tracking device against a commercial model and explore possible adaptations for application in the home environment. These data can be combined with the data obtained in the clinical essay regarding brain activity, eating behavior and metabolic markers to allow a functional analysis of the processes involved in the control/inhibition of intake. It is expected that the integrated set of all these data will also allow progress in the development of predictive algorithms for eating behavior using AI.