programs of study on the move
The PROCAPS study has as goal to evaluate and identify a more effective encapsulation mode of a probiotic for survival in the gastrointestinal tract.
To achieve the proposed goal , a double-blind, crossover, nutritional intervention study has been designed, which will consist of frequent consumption (daily) of the compound under study for three weeks, followed by three weeks of washout, another three weeks of intervention with the second compound, three weeks of washout and three final weeks with the third compound. At the beginning and end of each period, stool samples will be collected (two tubes each time).
We are looking for healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 50 who are normal or overweight.
During the total 15 weeks of the study, the following will be carried out:
- 7 visits (duration approximately 15 minutes).
- Daily consumption of the product (3 periods of 3 weeks).
- Collection of stool samples.
- Weight measurement.
To participate in this study, please fill in the following form form or contact us by writing to (Subject: PROCAPS)
The DIABET2PREDICT STUDY has as goal to evaluate the effect of postbiotic administration on glycemic control, insulin resistance and microbiota composition in subjects with diabetes subject 2 (DM2).
To achieve the goal objective, a double-blind, parallel intervention study has been designed with two study groups (group postbiotic and group control). The group postbiotic will receive the inactive strain of the developed formulation and the group control will receive a placebo supplement.
The study will last 12 weeks and is aimed at diabetic men and women subject 2 with overweight/obesity and aged between 18 and 70 years.
During the study, the following will be carried out:
- Four visits (day 1, day 14, day 76 and day 90).
- Blood draws (Come fasting for at least 10 hours)
- Collection of stool samples.
- Body composition measurements.
- Completion of questionnaires
- Daily consumption of the product
- Do not modify your usual lifestyle (per diem expenses and physical activity).
To participate in this study you can fill in the following form form or contact us by writing to (Subject: DIABET2PREDICT)
goal The general aim of the POSTBIOTICS study is to evaluate the effect of taking a prebiotic supplement on weight loss and on other physiological and metabolic parameters related to excess weight in overweight/obese adult men and women, as well as to determine the changes in the intestinal microbiota associated to these changes.
In order to reach the proposed goal , a parallel intervention study has been designed with 2 groups, and with a duration of 8 weeks. Both groups will follow a hypocaloric per diem expenses with a 25% caloric restriction on the Total Energy expense (GET), in which the supplement under study, consisting of a prebiotic ingredient or a placebo, will be introduced.
We are looking for overweight/obese men and women between the ages of 18 and 70.
During the 8 weeks of the study, each volunteer will make 2 visits (beginning and end of the study). In addition, a follow-up telephone call will be made 4 weeks into the study to resolve doubts and motivate the volunteers.
To participate, please fill out the following form form or contact us at
Thank you very much for your interest in the programs of study nutritional intervention that we carry out at the Nutritional Intervention Unit of research center in Nutrition of the University of Navarra.
If you would like to join our volunteer network , please complete the following form at registration. Once the information has been registered, we will contact you at contact for an interview staff. If you need more information, you can contact us at the following email address:
The research center in Nutrition of the University of Navarra will process your data in order to include them in a database of volunteers and to be able to invite you to collaborate in the programs of study of research in nutrition that it carries out. The data that you provide us with are for the exclusive use of the Centre and will remain on file, until you give up leave, in the Metabolic Unit register, access to which is restricted to the researchers of the Unit.
Under no circumstances will they be passed on to third parties. data You have the right to access, modify, cancel or object to the processing of your personal data by contacting the Metabolic Unit by e-mail( or by post (Research Building, University of Navarra. C/ Irunlarrea, 1. 31008, Pamplona) as well as to exercise other rights that are listed on the page Protection of data, where you can obtain more details about the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you require any clarification, please contact
programs of study completed
The KRONODIABET Study has as goal to investigate changes in glucose levels throughout the day and their relationship with schedules (of food, physical activity, light and sleep), circadian rhythms (of the microbiota, the metabolome and oral transcriptome, hormones) and eating behavior.
The PORTIONS - 4 study is a clinical weight loss intervention that seeks to identify the reasons why people find it difficult to put in place internship behaviors that can contribute to both an adequate weight and an optimal state of health. The final goal is to develop tools to help create and maintain healthy habits.
The SUGARGAP study has as goal to know the different responses of the organism after the consumption of three grape varieties (one white and two red) on glycemia, insulin resistance, and profile metabolomics.
The general objective of the OLICOL study is to evaluate the functionality of a product based on olive polyphenols on parameters related to metabolic syndrome, with special emphasis on total cholesterol levels, in subjects with overweight-obesity, compared to placebo, at goal .
The overall aim of the COLARTIC study goal is to evaluate the effect of protein-rich bars on weight loss in overweight/obese adult men and women, with a focus on osteoarticular health.
The main objective of goal is to evaluate in adults the effect on postprandial glycemia and insulinemia of eating a pasta dish made with resistant starch versus the original version.
The FLORABIOTIC REINFORCEMENT study has as goal to evaluate the effect of a probiotic on the microbiota and the reduction of symptoms related to gastrointestinal discomfort.
The FLORABIOTIC IMMUNITARY study has as goal to evaluate the effect of probiotic consumption on the composition of the microbiota related to the improvement of the immune system and inflammation in adult women and men (40-65 years old).
The overall aim of the COLARTIC study goal is to evaluate the effect of protein-rich bars on weight loss in overweight/obese adult men and women, with a focus on osteoarticular health.
The goal of the study is to evaluate the effect on adherence to the dietary patron saint of the traditional Mediterranean per diem expenses through the inclusion of a healthy basket with foods with a better nutritional profile , based on the Mediterranean per diem expenses in a group of boys and girls between 6 and 12 years old, who are overweight or obese.
The GLUCOCAPS study aims to study the effect of a nanoencapsulated zein product on blood glucose control.
This study aims to evaluate the impact and usability of practical dietary strategies aimed at facilitating a healthy and balanced per diem expenses .
The general goal of this project is to evaluate the health effect of a vegetable protein-based nutraceutical that also includes fiber and resistant starch.
The FAST-YOGURES study, part of a larger project funded by the European Union, studies the immediate and medium-term effects of the consumption of new yogurts (sweetened or sweetened) on blood markers, body sensations and consumer acceptance.
The main objective of goal is to test the efficacy of the inclusion of fruit and vegetable-based drinks to promote energy reduction and increase the fiber content in the per diem expenses, compared to the usual diet, in group of overweight or obese boys and girls of Education primary school.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of a protein on weight loss in overweight/obese adult men and women.
The goal of the study is to evaluate the effect of the intake of a nutritional supplement on the nutritional status of the elderly on the framework of a healthy per diem expenses .
The overall goal of the study is to evaluate the ability of 8 specially designed functional foods to favorably modulate the gut microbiota.
The purpose of project is the design of a healthy menu aimed at promoting healthy eating habits among children.
The overall goal of project is to evaluate the effect of administration of a novel probiotic formulation on glycemic control, insulin resistance and microbiota composition in prediabetic subjects.
The general goal of project is twofold:
1) To identify the "healthy" pattern(s) of the microbiome, and.
2) To evaluate the effect of foods that are part of the usual per diem expenses in Mediterranean countries, or of ingredients present in them, on the microbiome.