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Cabecera: Banner principal ingenieria indistrial sin form

Cabecera: Información adicional II

  • Title degree scroll official
  • Credits 90 ECTS CREDIT
  • <span>Duration</span> 18 months
  • modality On-site and Full Time
  • <span>Language</span> Spanish
  • Campus Madrid or San Sebastian
  • Places 60 seats Campus Madrid
    60 seats Campus San Sebastián

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Visor de contenido web (Global)

For those who will lead the companies of the future


The Master's Degree University in Industrial Engineering (MUII) bets for the integral training and complements the technical approach of the engineering Degrees with an orientation to development staff and work in team, forming professionals who will lead the companies of the future.


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Differential methodology and teamwork

The work teamwork is one of the most valued skills by the professional world and where companies detect the biggest gaps in competencies. Our program includes team projects for all subjects. In addition, the teams are supported by professional experts in the development of high performing teams.


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Integral vision of Industry 4.0

We prepare students for a strong start in the workplace. That is why the involvement of the business world, specifically the partnership with IESE, in the Master's Degree is core topic. We have a high issue of associated companies that collaborate by giving teaching, giving conferences, organizing visits to their facilities... This approach allows students to start their professional network , providing an opportunity to enter the labor market with guaranteed success.


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International Stay

The professional world values very positively the international profile of the candidates and for this reason we offer the possibility of doing the project End of Master's Degree abroad. We have agreements with 90 different universities, including places at MIT or Stanford.


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Much more than a master's degree

By taking the Master's Degree University Degree in Industrial Engineering (MUII) you have the option of obtaining two official double degrees:

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Double Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Technological Innovation

Double Master's Degree in
Industrial Engineering and Technological Innovation

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Double Master's Degree University Degree in Industrial Engineering and data analysis in Engineering

Double Master's Degree University Degree in Industrial Engineering and data analysis in Engineering

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Do you want more reasons?

The Master's Degree trains industrial engineers to lead the digital transformation of the industry by combining training traditional base with the new technologies demanded by today's industry.

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We work to ensure that no student with the ability to study does not stop coming to study for economic reasons. We offer personalized economic advice and seek to optimize resources to make our training equally accessible to all.

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The Careers Office promotes the professional development of the students. We work for a successful employment rate , in all sectors, meeting the needs of companies and students.

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At the University of Navarra you can always count on advisor staff to help you learn and develop skills for a successful career. We guide your growth based on your preferences and skills.

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Our faculty


Our faculty includes professionals from leading companies who collaborate in our teaching, as well as professors from IESE Business School, who bring the reality of the business world closer to our students.

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Let nothing stop you towards your future, find out more about our scholarships

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Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.

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Impact of our teaching, research and transfer of knowledge

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The University, second best in Spain according to the CYD 2024 ranking. +

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The University, among the top 100 universities in the world in 7 subjects of the QS 2025 ranking . +

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5 teaching areas of the University, among the best in the world according to the Times Higher Education 2023 ranking . +

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The University obtains the HR Excellence in Research seal that accredits it as an entity committed to quality in the management of human resources at research (2020). +

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This degree program is certified with the EUR-ACE international seal of excellence, which certifies that the programs of study meets the professional requirements in the field of engineering. +

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San Sebastian

Campus San Sebastian


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