

International Relations for the Common Good

Nested Applications


Committed to the ethics of international relations, the International Relations for the Common Good (IR4CG) group offers a space for discussion and discussion with a proposal for dialogue that invites ethical reflection in response to the most current global questions from a rigorous academic - legal, political, economic, historical - basis. The group aspires to a greater and better ethical study of the dynamics that drive international relations such as the relationships of conflict, cooperation, competition and coexistence between states and other non-state global actors. IR4CG adopts the principle of the common good - as taught by the social doctrine of the Church - as a philosophical horizon that points the student to give an ethical perspective to international practice. The group understands humanity as a global community and further understands that each person in that global community ought to attain "the full development of human personality"(Mater et Magistra, [65]). In this way, IR4CG allows the student of International Relations to evaluate "the sum of those conditions of social life which allow social groups and their individual members relatively thorough and ready access to their own fulfillment"(Gadium et spes, [26]) through the ethical governance of the global.

IR4CG exists to facilitate conversations about topics of interest at the international and, especially, European level. In a cordial and relaxed space, accessible and open, through the free, orderly and respectful exchange of comment, IR4CG encourages the formation and expression of one's own academically rigorous, morally purposeful opinion. The objective of the group, then, is twofold: first, to promote critical and transcendent thinking on global challenges and opportunities; and, secondly, to discern the common good in the practice of international relations.

IR4CG is open to the university community as a whole. It is of particular interest to those with the intellectual curiosity to learn more about the world and the circumstances that surrounds us at the European Union level. It welcomes anyone with a willingness to engage in conversation and to learn from others.

IR4CG is part of the Center for Global Affairs and Strategic Studies at the University of Navarra.

Professor Dr Gonzalo Villalta Puig
Chair in Public International Law and International Relations
Department Director
Department of International Relations
Faculty of Law
University of Navarra