

International Relations for the Common Good

Nested Applications


The mission of the International Relations for the Common Good (IR4CG) discussion group is to create dynamic spaces for dialogue on current international and European affairs and relate them to moral considerations. The group aspires to motivate deep staff insights into themes of urgent interest at an academic level, and thus promote both the formation and exchange of intellectually and morally informed opinions. The mission of IR4CG though falls beyond informative purposes; ultimately, the group seeks to build morally sound knowledge through the exercise of free speech and the respectful expression of different views and perspectives, always with a transcendental awareness.

IR4CG is an open invitation to join in dialogue - en tertulia - on the interrelationship between International Relations and the Common Good. Participants will share a passion for the study of International Relations and translate that passion into a commitment to the Common Good; that is, IR4CG passionately aspires for humanity as a global community and every individual human person in that global community to reach 'the full development of human personality'(Mater et Magistra, [65]). Thus, through the study of International Relations, IR4CG works to critically understand 'all those social conditions' that will allow such development.

IR4CG is directed to the campus community in general, with special attention to people with an inclination to know more about the world and the immediate circumstances that surround them at a European level. A willingness to share and learn is essential.

IR4CG is part of the University's Center for Global Affairs and Strategic Studies.

Professor Gonzalo Villalta Puig
Chair in Public International Law
Faculty of Law
University of Navarra