

Becoming a Host Family

Becoming a Host Family

We are looking for families in Pamplona who are interested in hosting international students for both short (three to six weeks) and long-term stays (four months to one academic year). Hosting an international student is an incredible opportunity to discover new cultures for Spanish families. Families will help students improve their Spanish. They will also immerse them into local customs, foods, and traditions.

Host families should provide a safe environment full of trust and friendship. Students should feel at home with the same rights and responsibilities as any other member of the family. Families with young, old, or no children are invited to participate in this unique experience. 

Interested families apply HERE!

Nested Applications


Speak Spanish fluently and make sure that this will be the first language spoken in the home. We have to remember that the primary objective of these students is to learn our language and get to know the Spanish culture.

2. It's necessary that the house is located near public transport for the independent use of the student.

3. Availability of a separate room for private use (a separate bathroom is not necessary)

4. Provide the student with full room and board during their stay.

5. Treat the students as if they were a member of the family.

6. Have an open mind and engaged attitude that will contribute to the integration of the student to the Spanish way of life and culture. Help the student with their learning of the Spanish language.

7. Pick up the student once they arrive in Pamplona and also accompany them on their last day.

Complete the inscription form. As soon as we receive it, we will decide if the requirements have been met and see if there is a candidate who fits your family profile. Then, we

will contact you in order to interview you and inform you about the documentation you will need to submit to us.

2. You must complete your profile with the following documentation:

  • 1 picture of the whole family

  • 1 picture of the house and the neighborhood

  • 1 picture of the room that the student will stay in

  • A greeting card in Spanish or English addressed to the student

  • Banking information



Ismael Sánchez Bella Building

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425 600 | Ext: 802361