


Research and innovation

ILCE conducts research in the fields of Applied Linguistics and Spanish Second Language Teaching and Learning. Our goal is to transform research insights into sound classroom pedagogies, coherent assessment tools, and expert curricular innovation.

In our research projects, we work with researchers and scholars from other universities around the world. Our international research teams also provide possibilities for graduate and undergraduate students to develop their expertise and open up career opportunities.


ILCE focuses on seven major areas of research in Applied Linguistics and Spanish from a Sociocultural Perspective:

Teaching Communication, Teacher's Development, and Teaching Methodology

Teaching Concepts, Internalization, and the Sociocultural Mind

Teaching Pronunciation, Phonetic Articulation, and Digital Personalities

Teaching Creativity, Blending, and Digital Storytelling

The Transformative Experience: Personality and Language Development

Proficiency, Placement Testing, and Dynamic Assessment

Research Methodology, Arts, and Generalization

The ILCE International Advisory Boardard is made up of international leaders in academia and experts from the private and public sectors. Members of the board advise on research and academic aspects of language teaching and assessment at University of Navarra. The ILCE IAB serves as a sounding board for researchers and faculty at University of Navarra on issues related to international research agendas in the field of Applied Linguistics.




If you work in the field of Spanish Second Language Acquisition and Teaching and you are interested in doing research with us from a Sociocultural Psychology Perspective, make sure you send us an email. We offer funds and research opportunities for senior and junior scholars.

Click here for more info.


We offer funding opportunities for graduate students to come to ILCE to conduct research in the field of Spanish Second Language Acquisition from a Sociocultural Psychology perspective. You may also consider studying your PhD at Universidad de Navarra. 

For more info, contact: Dr. Eduardo Negueruela Azarola:

Doctoral School

ILCE 's White Papers are authoritative reports written by ILCE researchers to concisely inform readers about complex issues in the field of Second Language Learning, Teaching, and Testing.

These position papers are meant to explain how ILCE understand critical issues in Applied Linguistics such as the goals of second language learning and teaching, the complexities of proficiency assessment, and changing thinking patterns, voice, and personality when learning new languages.

ILCE's White Paper Series:

(1) "Global Responsible Academic Literacy: Learning a Language with Purpose in A Connected World". Eduardo Negueruela Azarola (Spring 2018)

(2) "Capturing Expertise in Changing Circumstances: Proficiency as Adaptability" (Fall 2018).

(3) "Why I Don't Have a Voice in Spanish: Personality and Language Learning" (Spring 2019).

Nested Applications


Invited Speakers Series

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Conferences and Workshops

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