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29 | 05 | 2006

"In the next ten years we may know how to slow the progression of Parkinson's."

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

25 | 05 | 2006

Loss of a protein in early stages of lung cancer promotes tumor growth

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

02 | 05 | 2006

Nature Neuroscience' publishes a article by a researcher from CIMA of the University of Navarra on neural connections.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

12 | 04 | 2006

A Biochemistry of the CIMA of the University of Navarra discovers the protective action of a molecule in inflammatory processes.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

10 | 04 | 2006

The University of Navarra participates in two projects selected by the Spanish Ministry of Industry.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells



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