"Rethinking the ages of life."
Among the many needs that are emerging in contemporary societies are those related to the aging of the population, which we can define as the needs of the population in the context of the aging process. "new longevities". The years of life are prolonged and the aim is to improve the quality of life during these years and, with this, the following arise opportunities to contribute in a new way to social life, projecting and transmitting to new generations the accumulated professional, cultural and social experience. over the preceding years, which has become what we can call "Senior Talent".
On the other hand, the older we get, the greater the possibility of disease, which in turn generates dependence and the need for care, including self-care. In this sense, it is particularly important to be able to design and develop prevention strategies that allow us to achieve active, healthy and meaningful aging. All this, however, cannot be improvised: it is necessary to prepare for it, staff and socially. This suggests that one of the sectors destined to grow in the coming years is the sector of services associated with aging.

Identify care needs of
elderly people
In this way, it will be possible to design new models of assistance, care provision, health, cities, etc. that are economically and socially sustainable and that allow the development of new forms of interrelationships demanded by society -towards and from the elderly-, promoting good jobs in this sector to increase its value, from the perspective of solidarity between generations.
Analyze the meaning of this phase of human life
The Chair seeks to review the dominant representations in our culture, in order to develop the concept of "significant aging" from an intergenerational viewpoint.
How to address these challenges challenges?
→ It is a research interdisciplinary which seeks to increase the quality of life of people who are reaching their senior years, while deepening the human dimensions of care and remaining attentive to the impact of social and cultural changes in the lives of the elderly, in dialogue with professionals in the sector.
→ The project has a more philosophical and cultural part, aimed at inducing a paradigm shift in the way of approaching the work, and a more socio-health and applied part, aimed at influencing public and public-private policies in the care sector, as well as the development. The aim is to promote initiatives and innovative proposals aimed at both society as a whole and the public sector.

Explore the possibilities of development staff and social that open up in this new stage of life.
Define a personalized care model , which can be described as "aging well", "aging with meaning".
Contribute through research to influence the implementation of economic policies aimed at creating good jobs in the service sector.
To bet on the training of the staff involved in care and on the definition of a professional degree program in the sector.
To focus on prevention that promotes the value of self-care in order to prolong quality of life.

Ana Marta González
Chief of Staff
Professor of Philosophy
My research
Antonio Moreno Ibáñez
Full Professor from Economics
My research
Carolina Montoro Gurich
Professor of
Geography and Demography
My research
Rafael Sánchez-Ostiz
Director General of IDEA and
president Fundación IDEA
Isabel García Ipiens
Deputy Director General IDEA and
treasurer IDEA Foundation
Guillermo Sánchez-Ostiz
Director development IDEA and
secretary IDEA Foundation
Elena Belzunce
Director of development of the
Institute for Culture and Society
Maite Pérez Araluce
PhD Student
Aging with meaning

Dolores Lopez
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
My research
Juan José Pons
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
My research
Viviana Alegre
Senior Programme
Cristina Alfaro Díaz
School of Nursing
My research
Nuria Esandi
School of Nursing
My research
Amaya Villanueva
School of Nursing
My research
Immaculate Bavaria
School of Law
My research
Inés Sánchez-Ventura
School of Law
My research
Alberto Muñoz
School of Law
My research
Jorge Plá
Psychiatrist at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
My research
Ana Sánchez Ostiz
School of Architecture
My research
Begoña Urien
School of Education and Psychology
My research
Carmen Erviti
ISSA School of Applied Management
My research
Ángeles Henríquez Azcona
Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Elisa Polo
Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Nuria Garro
School of Education and Psychology
My research
Raquel Cascales
Institute for Culture and Society
My research
Javier Antón
School of Architecture
My research
Paz Morer
My research
Sergio Clavero
School Philosophy and Arts
My research

Mª Dolores Puga, CSIC researcher: "Making the care of the most fragile in the public discussion and turning it into a collective task is an urgent necessity".
The head scientist of the Higher committee for Scientific Research (CSIC) stressed the importance of long-term care and the need to provide it in a sustainable manner.
Read more
Leyre Sánchez de Muniáin and Fernando Aniento, winners of the I edition of the University's New Longevity IDEA Awards Chair
The young people have been recognized for their Final Projects Degree and Master's Degree, dedicated to the research of Alzheimer's and Alzheimer's prob
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laboratory of longevity: the role of design and aesthetics in the care of the elderly
The University has organized an event to analyze strategies from Philosophy, architecture, design, nursing and medicine.
Read more
Course 2024-2025
Caring for family health: a healthy life and a sustainable future for the family caregiver
23.10.2024 - classroom ICS
Nuria Esandi,
University of Navarra
More information
Demographic aging and long-term care challenges
07.02.2025 - CIMA. auditorium
María Dolores Puga,
committee Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)
More information
An Industrial Policy
for Good Jobs
16.05.2024 - Amigos Building
Dani Rodrik
Harvard Professor
More information
Population aging:
changes and challenges
15.02.2024 - classroom ICS
María Teresa Bazo,
University of the Basque Country
More information
Longevity as a social
social opportunity
27.09.2023 - classroom ICS
Ana Marta González,
University of Navarra
More information
The Chair IDEA, framed in the Strategy 2025 of the University of Navarra, counts with the partnership of the professors involved in the strategic line "work,care and development".

Institute for Culture and Society
Campus Universitario s/n
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425600 (Ext: 805615)