The training will be joined by a second major field of joint work : the research on the area energy refurbishment. More specifically, the Chair will try to continue the history of the School building, which has played such a good role professor during its 40 years of history, with a project that will make it an example of energy refurbishment and a vehicle for transferring the knowledge to the Building.
Our doctoral student
In 2021, Sara Dorregaray-Oyaregui's doctoral thesis , directed by César Martín-Gómez and co-directed by Mónica Aguado, began.
Some of the activities he has carried out during the development of his doctoral thesis :
- Publication of the article in Energy and Conversion ManagementX graduate Installation of fuel cells in building in use: Technical, regulatory, and economic feasibility. More information.
- Stay at the technical school of Advanced Industrial Technologies(ESTIA) in Bidart.
- partnership at project E3LAB.
- attendance and discussion paper at the congress international ICARB2023 in Edinburgh. exhibition of the text Measuring the carbon footprint of University of Navarra.
- attendance and discussion paper at congress VIBRARCH22, in Valencia. exhibition of the text: Technical, constructive and economical feasibility to turn off-grid an existing building.
"The installation cabinets as material professor at teaching university".
The Installer 525, January 2015, pp.28-33. ISSN 0210-4091. César Martín-Gómez, Patricia López-Carrillo.
"Emergency lighting cabinet for fire safety learning".
Case Studies in Fire Safety, Volume 3, May 2015, Pages 17-24. ISSN: 2214-398X. DOI:10.1016/j.csfs.2014.11.001. César Martín-Gómez, Javier Bermejo-Busto, Natalia Mambrilla-Herrero.
"Building services cabinets as teaching material in a degree in architecture".
European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 38, No. 5, 2013, 468-482. ISSN 0304-3797 (Print), 1469-5898 (Online). DOI:10.1080/03043797.2013.833176. César Martín-Gómez, Omayra Zapata, Amaia Zuazua, Sonia Villanueva, Paula Olaizola.
"Lighting Portable Technical Cabinet as a Teaching Tool".
Architecture Research 2019, 9(1): 1-6. p-ISSN: 2168-507X e-ISSN: 2168-5088. DOI: 10.5923/j.arch.20190901.01. César Martín-Gómez*, Elia Ibańez-Puy, Amaia Zuazua-Ros, Ignacio Gondán Jiménez, Rubén Elizalde Amatriaian, Asier Mateo.
guide construction, installations and Structures
César Martín Gómez; Sara Dorregaray Oyaregui; Elena Aparicio-González.
Installation of fuel cells in building in use: Technical, regulatory, and economic feasibility
Energy Conversion and Management: X (2024) 100536, 12 pages. Sara Dorregaray-Oyaregui, César Martín-Gómez, Mónica Aguado.